Come Dine With Us – Hats Off To You!

Dinner includes a soup course, friseé salad, entree, vegetables and dessert. Water, tea and coffee, plus a specialty “mocktail” will also be served. Please also indicate your selection of entrees – beef, chicken or vegetarian and your dessert choices. If you have any dietary restrictions, please share those and we will do our best to comply! …

Quilt Blessing

Our Quilt Blessing will be Saturday, January 18th and Sunday, January 19th. Our quilters have been VERY busy this past year making dozens of quilts for disaster relief efforts via Lutheran World Relief and NALC Disaster Response Team. More than 200 beautiful, unique pieces of art grace our sanctuary this weekend and we offer our …

Come Dine With Us

Join us Saturday, February, 8th – Our annual Youth Life fundraiser is a great opportunity to have a wonderful evening out. Invite some friends, another couple or make it a date night! We offer two seatings – at 5:00pm and 7:00pm and we always have a fabulous menu! The suggestion donation is $35 per person. Reservation sheets will be …

Long Term Care Workshop

Thrivent will host a Long-term Care Workshop on Tuesday, January 21 at 6:30pm which will include a buffet dinner. Please see the insert in the church bulletin for more information or contact the church office to register by Jan 16.

The Annual Yard Sale

We will be holding our sale a little earlier this year – ON Saturday, March 15, from 7 am to 2 pm. All proceeds from the sale support our Tarma, Peru Mission Church. The storage bins will arrive the week of February 17th so now is the time to begin cleaning out closets, drawers and the garage!!! If …

Peace in Christ – Women’s Retreat

This year we will gather at the St. Stephen’s Retreat and Conference Center in Titusville, FL from Friday, Feb 28 through Sunday, March 2nd. St. Stephen’s is a lovely waterfront retreat center with beautiful study and worship spaces. There will be time for study, worship, individual time and fellowship. Our retreat speaker is the Rev. Julie Smith (co-founder …

Quilting Workshop

Save the Date – All Day – Drop-In Quilting Workshop on Sat, Jan 18 – men, women and teens are invited to come for an hour or come all day! No experience needed and no sewing skills required. There is a job for everyone and teens earn community service hours for school. Stay tuned for sign-up opportunities.


Just after Easter we will begin our next Alpha course – a ten-week series of weekly sessions for anyone who wants to find answers to questions like “Is there really a God?”, “What does it mean to be Christian?” or “Is there more to life than what I am living?” It is designed for those seeking a connection to God but who might …


Bloodmobile on Sun, Dec 8 – OneBlood will have a mobile donation bus onsite from 9:30am to Noon. Those who donate will receive a wellness check including blood pressure and cholesterol screening and iron count check; a travel mug; and a $20 online gift card. If you are able, please pre-register at and use sponsor …

2024 Holidays

We have a busy holiday season ahead of us. Please keep these dates handy and make plans to join us in worship and serving. There are many opportunities to volunteer both with worship services, special events and helping those in need. We encourage you to be prayerful throughout the Advent and Christmas seasons, both in offering …

Calling Thrivent Financial Members

As part of a Thrivent Member Network, you’re among a group of local Christians who come together to learn, support one another and make a real impact in our communities. We invite you to join us for The 5 Love Languages with Dr. Gary Chapman, hosted by the Southeast Thrivent Member Network. Discover the keys to unlocking …

Footsteps of Paul Pilgrimage

Last call to experience this amazing pilgrimage, grow in faith and knowledge of Scripture, and travel with some amazing people who may be strangers now… but friends by the end!

FYI – We have a roommate opportunity for a solo female traveler. Contact Pastor Phillips for more information.

Party In The Patch – Volunteers Needed

Our children’s party will be Saturday, October 26th from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. We could use help with decorations on the 24th and 25th, help setting up the morning of the 26th, help during the event and help with clean-up. If you would like to be a part of the fun, please indicate your …

Footsteps of Paul – Group Tour

We are booking guests on our upcoming trip which focuses on the “Footsteps of Paul”. Travelers will visit many towns where Paul spread the message of Jesus in the early days of Christianity in Turkey and Greece. We will also visit beautiful places such as Crete & Santorini! Our trip originates in Orlando on Friday, March …

All Day Quilting Workshop

Men, women and teens are invited to join us on Saturday, September 28 from 9am to 3pm in the Fellowship Hall. There will be tasks for every skill level as we work on quilts for Lutheran World Relief and NALC Disaster Recovery. The gift of your time translates into the blessing of warmth and comfort …

The Pumpkins Are Coming – October 5th at 9:00 am

We have been working on the Pumpkin Patch plan since March, placing our order with Pumpkins USA and slightly increasing our count this year! We are asked to list 4 delivery dates and we were slotted in our first pick! Lots of things will have to happen before delivery day and we are looking for …

Women’s Retreat

Ladies, mark your calendar for Fri, Feb 28 , 2025 – Sun, Mar 2 , 2025 for the annual women’s retreat. The retreat will be held at St Stephen Christian Retreat & Conference Center in Titusville, FL.

Quilting Ministry Update 

Quilting Ministry Update – Our quilters now meet EVERY Wednesday at 1:30pm! No experience is needed and no sewing! This group cuts squares, organizes them by color, creates quilt top patterns and matches already- sewn quilt tops with filler and backing. Even if you have never volunteered before, you can be trained in minutes!! If good …

WNALC Online Gathering

Hey Ladies! You are invited to join in on the Women of the North American Lutheran Church on-line Gathering on August 6th. The keynote speaker is Pastor Jones! Registration is now open. To learn more, please visit: WNALC 2024.

Invitation to Vicar Beaver’s Ordination & Installation

Congratulations to Vicar Luke Beaver who was called to serve Shepherd of the Woods as an Associate Pastor at our congregational meeting on Wednesday, June 26th. Vicar Beaver is in the Army Reserves and is seeking military endorsement as a Army Chaplain. His ordination will be one more step in supporting him on his journey. …

Join Alpha!

We will begin our next Alpha course in August – this is a ten-week series of weekly sessions for anyone who wants to find answers to questions like “Is there really a God?”, “What does it mean to be Christian?” or “Is there more to life than what I am living?” It is designed for those seeking a connection to …

Quilting Ministry Update

Our quilters now meet EVERY Wednesday at 1:30pm! Volunteers gather to work on all aspects of our disaster relief quilts that are passed on to Lutheran World Relief and to the North American Lutheran Church Disaster Team. No experience is needed and no sewing! On Wednesdays, this group cuts squares, organizes them by color, creates …

VBS Needs

Vacation Bible School (VBS) begins this coming Monday, June 17th! A HUGE thank you to everyone who donated supplies. We truly appreciate you! We still have a few items that we need to make this week a SCUBA-tastic success! Please read the list below and bring the items to church between now and this Sunday morning-June …

Summer 5 – 5 – 5 Project

During the five weeks leading up to our Youth Life Confirmation Faith Camp, we strive as a community to collect 500 pounds of food and $500 in financial donations to support the Lutheran Social Service food bank and weekend backpack program. Each Friday, hundreds of children across northeast Florida leave school in the afternoon not …

Youth Life News – Summer Updates

Vacation Bible School is June 17-21. Volunteers are needed to help with games, crafts and fellowship. Please let Kelly Clark or Cynthia Cannon know if you are able to help out this summer. Adventure Camp Retreat is coming this summer, June 30-July 4. This amazing, fun week takes place in Orlando at the Grand Beach Resort on Lake …

Mother’s Day – Thank You!

Thank you to all those who prepared, served, attended and supported our Mother’s Day Pancakes and More Breakfast. Thank you to those who participated in the Peterbrooke Chocolatier Fundraiser, as well. These donations will greatly benefit the Youth Life ministry at Shepherd of the Woods Lutheran Church.

Little Lambs Early Learning Center

Our Little Lambs – Early Learning Center serves the community by offering a faith-based, educational curriculum for children 2-5 years-old. Unlike many preschools, we focus on reading literacy, math and language skills, and the development of social and problem-solving skills. Also uncommon, we offer full-day and year-round programs for households where all adults work during the day. We …

Vacation Bible School Planning Meeting 

If you would like to volunteer with VBS this year and want like to help with the planning of this year’s program, you are invited to attend Sat, May 18 from 10am to Noon. This week-long program requires a lot of planning, set up and hands-on volunteers. All are welcome!!

Mother’s Day: Pancakes and More!

Join Youth Life on Sunday, May 12th with our Mother’s Day “Pancakes and More” Breakfast! This year, there will be greater variety in the menu and we are excited to host you. Additional details will be published soon. Proceeds of this fundraiser will benefit Youth Life at Shepherd of the Woods Lutheran Church.

Spring Tea – An Early Learning Center Fundraiser 

Please make plans to join us for a lovely morning of tea and delicious finger foods and sweets. Our festive spring event will be Saturday, April 27th at 11:00am and the suggested donation for tickets is $25. In addition to the scrumptious fare and fun fellowship, we will have songs from the children and raffles for three exciting …

Children’s Ministry Outing To Sunshine Park

Monday, March 18, at 10:30 am –  Bring the kids out to enjoy some fresh air and burn off some energy during Spring Break! We’ll enjoy playtime and a picnic. Meet at Sunshine Park – located at 2514 S Beach Pkwy, Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250. There are cool playgrounds, a skate park, recreational fields, pickle …

Yard Sale Update

Our annual Yard Sale will be Saturday, March 23rd and our storage pods have arrived! Please consider donating gently used items you no longer want – clothing, luggage, housewares, toys, seasonal decorations, electronics, bedding, lamps, decorative items, artwork, and even furniture and appliances. We kindly ask that you separate clothing, shoes and accessories as one pod will be …

Children’s Easter Festivities

Children’s Easter Festivities will be held on Easter Sunday, March 31 from 9:45-10:15 AM. An Easter Egg Hunt will be held for children, nursery-age through sixth grade. All families and their extended families are welcome to participate. Families will gather in the courtyard near the playground by 9:45. A photo station will also be available …

Vacation Bible School 2024

Take kids deep into an amazing undersea adventure where they’ll experience the ever-flowing, never-ending love of God. At Scuba VBS, kids will be immersed in the Word and discover what living water is really all about! Join us June 17 – 21st from 9:00 am – 12:30 pm! Registration opens March 30th. For additional details, …

Come Dine With Us – Australian Outback

If you have not already made a reservation, please reply to this message and let us know if you prefer the 5:00pm or the 7:00pm seating and how many people are in your party.  Dinner includes an appetizer, salad, entree, vegetables and dessert. Water, tea and coffee, plus a mocktail will also be served. Please also indicate …

Come And Dine With Us

Our annual Come Dine with Us dinner is a much-loved event with great food, great service and benefitting a great cause – supporting our Youth Life group and their summer camp programs. Confirmation Camp provides time for daily study, relationship building and personal growth. Adventure Camp is all about fun – developing self-confidence, team building skills and accomplishment! On Saturday, March 9th we …

Annual Yard Sale Update

Our annual Yard Sale will be Saturday, March 23rd and we should have storage pods this coming Wednesday! As you begin your spring cleaning, please consider setting aside gently used items – clothing, luggage, housewares, toys, seasonal decorations, electronics, bedding, lamps, decorative items, artwork, and even furniture and appliances. We kindly ask that you separate clothing, shoes and …

Yard Sale Pods Are Coming

Yard Sale Pods Are Coming! We should have the storage containers in place on Wednesday, Feb 28. We are very appreciative of our new partner Mi-Box and their generous discount for our storage pods. We ask that you kindly pack your donations separately so that clothing, shoes, purses & accessories can go into a dedicated pod …

Lenten Updates

Lent is Observed for the Forty Days begining Ash Wednesday until Easter – excluding Sundays. Join us on a Lenten journey where we will reflect on the battles we face in life; powers & principalities, evil, darkness, the devil, and even attempts at identity theft as a child of God. We will delve into the scriptures to …

Quilting Workshop and Blessing

Quilting Workshop – All-Day, Drop-In session on Saturday, Feb 3rd from 10am to 5pm. There will be stations for cutting squares, designing quilt top, sewing tops, matching tops to backing and for finishing the sides and threads for center knots. There is a job for every skill level. Men women and teens are invited – no experience needed, …

Picture Directory Photos This Weekend

We will be taking photos in the Gathering Area and the Fellowship Hall Jan 20 & 21 before and after all services. Our church database software allows us to create our own directory (which we already do) and to add photos if we choose. These will not be professional photos. Please stop by either photo …

Congregational Meeting

Our annual congregation meeting will be held on Sunday, January 21st following the 10:30 worship service. We will present the Annual Report, Budget 2024, updates on the Pacetti Road Property and we’ll be sharing priorities and goals for 2024 and beyond.

Five Love Languages for Children Workshop for Parents and Grandparents 

Join us Saturday, January 20th from 9am-Noon. Cost is $15 per person which includes breakfast and your book. Por Peacock will lead participants through Dr. Gary Chapman’s book, incorporating Scripture with an eye toward building stronger relationships with all the children in our lives. Let love lead our relationships with children, not guilt and shame and help …

Budget Information Meeting

2024 Budget Information Meeting will be held on Sunday, January 14th at 9:40am for those interested in receiving more in-depth information. We thank you for your support. We are able to share and show Christ in our community and in the world because of you!

Little Lambs Early Learning Center Open House

Little Lambs will host the community on Sat., Jan 13 from 10am to Noon. If you or someone you know is looking for a quality, faith-based preschool or for an accredited VPK program, please make plans to attend. Classrooms will be open, and you can meet the teachers and learn all about the robust curriculum.

Welcome To Alpha

Dear Disciple, You may have been heard about ALPHA recently and wondered what it’s all about!  ALPHA is a series of structured sessions which explore the basics of faith in an open, informal environment with no judgement and no pressure. This is a great opportunity for those who are “seeking” or wrestling in the faith …

Peru Mission Trip Update

Due to the American Embassy alert notification, we are postponing our January trip to Tarma. Mark your calendar, however, for July 29 , 2024 – August 8, 2024. If you would like information about possibly joining us on this trip, please indicate your interest on the Yellow Insert or contact the church office.

Weekend Worship Services

Weekend Worship Services Saturday at 5:30pm (Traditional Liturgy) Sunday at 8:30am (Traditional Liturgy) Sunday at 10:30am (Contemporary) – Live-streamed Other Information: Access to Online Worship Information Christmas Worship Services Christmas Eve Services – Sunday, Dec 24 at 5:00pm, 7:00pm, 9:00pm & 11:00pm 5:00pm – Traditional Service with Children’s Homily ** Live Streamed 7:00pm – Traditional Service 9:00pm – Cantata …

Christmas Day Potluck

This year the Fellowship Hall will be a place to gather with brothers and sisters in Christ after the Christmas Day Worship service. We will have a good ol’ fashioned pot-luck luncheon after the 10:30 am worship service. For additional details, please contact the church office.

Explore Alpha

Dear Disciple, You may have been heard about ALPHA recently and wondered what it’s all about!  ALPHA is a series of structured sessions which explore the basics of faith in an open, informal environment with no judgement and no pressure. This is a great opportunity for those who are “seeking” or wrestling in the faith and what …

Peru Mission Update

We are beginning to plan our 2024 trips to Tarma, Peru, targeting late January for our first trip and mid-summer for the second one. Our early trip is usually more administrative in nature, planning projects and estimating needs but does include work on the property as needed. Our summer trip usually is more project-oriented with …

Grief Support Group

We have begun a new series for those seeking support following loss of a loved one. This group meets Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30pm on 11/14, and 11/28. These sessions are open to anyone who wants to participate. If you have a friend or neighbor that might benefit from participating, please pass on the information. Please use the Yellow Connection …