We will begin our next Alpha course in August – this is a ten-week series of weekly sessions for anyone who wants to find answers to questions like “Is there really a God?”, “What does it mean to be Christian?” or “Is there more to life than what I am living?” It is designed for those seeking a connection to God but who might not understand how or why God would send Jesus into the world. We can all think of someone who might be on this “seeking” path. Perhaps even you yourself would benefit from this time of exploring thoughts, beliefs, and faith.

In late June, we will be holding a one-hour introductory session for anyone who wants to know more about how the program will be run, how to invite others to attend and for those that may want to participate as volunteers.

The success of reaching those in our community who are seeking depends on each of us inviting people to attend. We have been mandated to become “fishers of men”, to share the good news with others. This program is a great way to invite others and let the program share the good news in a way that can connect with people from all backgrounds. If you would like more information about the program or learn more about how to invite someone, please indicate your interest on the Yellow Insert. All questions are welcomed!

Please pray for discernment about who will be in your path each day that might be seeking a connection to God. Who will you invite in the coming weeks? Enrollment information will be available soon.