Alpha is a program introduced in the 70’s in England as a way to reach people who are seeking more from life, seeking an understanding of who or what God is, or seeking that which is missing in their life. Each week participants gather and share a simple meal, watch a video by the Alpha organization, and then they have conversation about what they have watched. Alpha provides a “safe space” to absorb information about God and Jesus, talk openly about doubts and fears without any judgment, and ask important life questions.
Perhaps you know someone, or maybe this is even you, that is seeking and questioning. Alpha is a great tool and place to start. Please take the invitations provided in your Announcements and pray about who you encounter each day. Family members, neighbors, friends, coworkers, your barber, or hairdresser, the person who cuts your grass. You are welcome to attend with those you invite if you think that will make them comfortable. This is not required and is completely up to you and your guests. There are additional copies of the invitation in the Gathering Area. Take as many as you will use!
If you would like to “see how Alpha works” first, we are hosting a “Taste of Alpha” on Wednesday, April 12th at 6:30 pm. You will have the opportunity to experience the process of the meal, the first video, and the discussion so you can see exactly what those you invite will experience when they attend.
Our first 12-week session will begin Tuesday, April 25th at 6:30 pm and will run weekly through July 11.
Please pray that this provides a path for others to come to know Jesus and be a part of a community of faith. Please pray for those who lead sessions, serve as table leaders, table helpers, and for those preparing meals