Sunday, August 20th, is RALLY DAY for all from 4 Years through 12th Grade!
Backpack Blessing & Prayers for All School Teachers & Staff – All children and Youth are invited to bring their school backpacks with them next week for a special time during worship to ask God’s blessings of safety and focus in the coming school year. We also lift up our teachers and all who work with the schools to teach and support our children and teens. May you all have a fun and successful school year!
Parent Meeting – If your child is between 4-yrs-old and 6th grade, we hope you will come to worship on Sunday, August 20th at 10:30am and then stay for a brief Sunday School update meeting at 11:45 am in the Shepherd Center. Light fellowship will be served.
3rd – 6th grade Sunday School Teachers – Our Sunday School program is expanding, and we invite you to be a part of this development. We seek to develop a team of 2-3 teachers with the gift of faith to share that faith with our young people in grades 3-6 during the 10:30 am worship service when the children are dismissed following Holy Communion. Class is about 35 minutes long, and we can supply you with materials if needed. Please sign up on the Yellow Insert if you are interested or speak to Pr Peacock.
Parent Meeting for Confirmation & Senior High Youth – parents, please plan to attend Sun, Aug 20th at 11:45am in the Annex Classroom (just off the Fellowship Hall). We will be sharing the fall schedule and information on the National Youth Gathering next summer! We hope a parent representative from each family will attend this important meeting.
Sandwich Sunday – Our Youth Life group will gather Sun, Aug 20 10:30-3pm for 10:30 worship followed by lunch, Sandwich Sunday service project, and a ping-pong tournament! We will be making sandwiches and bag lunches for St Francis Shelter in St Augustine. Our goal is to make 200 bag lunches. We had a fantastic response last weekend from the congregation – all tags were sponsored for donating items needed to make our bagged lunches!! Thank You!!!. Please return items by Thur, Aug 17.
Youth Life Leaders & Volunteers – if you would like to occasionally work with our young people, please indicate your interest on the Yellow Insert.
• Sunday School Teachers Team – we are looking to build a team of rotating Sunday School teachers, Chaperone/Drive for outings,
• Support service projects like Sandwich Sunday, Bake Sales, and other fundraisers
In the midst of all the back-to-school activities, please mark your calendars for Saturday, Oct 7 at 9am for Pumpkin Unloading!
If you have an older child or teen in your family who is part of a sports team, scout troop or other organization where the members might need community service hours, please let them know we are appreciative of all helping hands.