After 3 years we are so excited to return to Peru this month to serve in partnership with our brothers and sisters in Christ in Tarma. We have a small, but mighty team who will travel to Peru July 17 – July 28 . We look forward to worshipping together, hearing the stories of how God has been at work the past several years. Remember the thousands of meals served during Covid?! Or, how the church remained open (as allowed) to be a computer lab for children who didn’t have internet or computers for school?! Or the numerous school uniform donated and the recipients of these uniforms as the children returned to the classroom?! Your support has been a Godsend to so many people in need and life-changing as you brought the light of Christ to people 3000 miles away. Thank you and thanks be to God!
In just a few short days the mission team will head south and work side by side with our friends in Tarma and Hauncal doing a variety of projects meant to support and develop the ministry presence. Projects include; repair of the leaking roof, painting, staining, installing security fences, participating in the Kingdom Kids ministry (afterschool outreach program), visiting the Benefencia (bringing treats), and preparing for the preschool program.
We invite your participation in this mission trip in two ways; 1) Prayer! Pray for the team & for the ministry.
2) Financially support the supplies needed for these projects. Estimated cost is approximately $4,500. To donate, use the envelope in the Announcements or the Care Square in the office. Thank you for your support!