Dear Disciple,

You may have been heard about ALPHA recently and wondered what it’s all about

ALPHA is a series of structured sessions which explore the basics of faith in an open, informal environment with no judgement and no pressure. This is a great opportunity for those who are “seeking” or wrestling in the faith and what it means to be a Christian. It consists of a 10-week program where guests share a meal, watch a video and then discuss what they have seen. It is designed to share the story of Christ in a way that can connect with people from all backgrounds.

Shepherd of the Woods is is offering an Alpha course beginning Tuesday, January 9 at 6:00pm. It is most fruitful when people are personally invited to attend. Some participants do enroll as a result of print or internet ads or by doing Google searches on topics like “Is there a God?”, “What is the meaning of life?”, or “What is Christianity?” But the vast majority of those who enroll will attend because someone invited them. We will have invitations available this weekend in the Gathering Area and there is also information included at the bottom of the page.

Be praying about who YOU know that would be blessed in reflecting on life and faith big questions. Or, maybe it is even you! Alpha includes many who are church members and those who identify themselves as Christians but who are still seeking more in their faith life. All are welcome.

We are also looking for people who want to support the program as cooks (we serve a simple meal each week for twelve weeks), kitchen helpers, as greeters, welcoming people to the meeting and helping them sign in and also for a person to facilitate our video at each session.

Those who serve a cooks or kitchen helpers can volunteer for one or more of the dinners over the twelve weeks. Those who serve as Greeters and Video Support will be asked to commit to attending for the entire ten-week session.

Those who serve as Inviters are encouraged to invite others anytime there is an opportunity!