Resuming Programs – Autumn is right around the corner and many of our programs that take a little break in the summer will be resuming soon. Please note the dates below and make plans to join us!
5:30/8:30 Service Choir has resumed practice and is open to anyone with the desire to worship through song. Join us on Tuesdays at 6:00 pm. If you worship on Saturdays or at 8:30 am on Sunday, play an instrument, and would like to occasionally accompany the pianist and organist, please use the Yellow Insert to indicate your interest.
The Bell Choir has resumed practice and is open to anyone with the desire to participate. Join us on Tuesdays at 7:15 pm. If you have never rung bells before, we can teach you! It’s fun and a great way to worship through music. The Bell Choir plays occasionally at all services.
Youth Life – Our Confirmation Class and Youth Life Sunday School will both resume on Sept 10th meeting each Sunday at 9:30 am. If you have a Youth in 7th or 8th grade, please speak with one of the Pastors or with Rhonda Taylor about enrolling them in Confirmation Classes or indicate their participation on the Yellow Insert. If you have a teen in grades 9-12, make plans to build this into your weekly time in the Word!
Women’s Morning Bible Study – Women of all ages are invited to join us as we resume studies on Monday, Sept 11 at 10 am. This group will meet 2nd & 4th Mondays in the South Annex Room and the topic will be “In the Beginning, God – a study of Genesis”. Ladies of all ages are welcome!