Knowing Christ – Week of November 17th

• Bible Study on Matthew – Wednesday at 6:30pm• Bible Study on 1 Samuel – Thursday at 1:00pm• Men’s Bible Study & Breakfast – Second & Fourth Saturdays, at 8:00am – next on 11/23• Bible Study – “The Divine Drama” – Saturdays at 4:00pm• Women’s Bible Study – Second & Fourth Mondays at 10:00am – next on 11/25• Adult Studies – Sundays at 9:30am Gospel of John and NEW Study on Luther’s Small Catechism

Adult Study on the Small Catechism

New Adult Study on the Small Catechism will begin Sunday, Nov 17 at 9:30am – This group will meet in the annex and explore the meaning and beauty of each section of Luther’s Small Catechism which he wrote in 1529. It covers six topics: the Ten Commandments, the Apostles’ Creed, the Lord’s Prayer, the Sacrament of Holy Baptism, …

Thanksgiving Worship and Luncheon

We will hold Thanksgiving worship on Wed, Nov 27 at 12:00 and 6:30pm as we gather to give thanks and praise for our blessings. Please join us for one of these services and invite a friend or neighbor! Our annual Community Luncheon will be at 1:00pm following the Noon service. We are seeking help with …

Stewardship Monday’s

Take My Life That I May Be, Consecrated Lord To Thee The word in the Bible translated as steward is οἰκονόμος pronounced, oykonomos. It is the root of the word economics which is the science of managing resources. Naturally, then, a steward is the manager of what belongs to someone else. In these “Stewardship Monday” reflections, some members of our church …

Invitation to Vicar Beaver’s Ordination & Installation

Congratulations to Vicar Luke Beaver who was called to serve Shepherd of the Woods as an Associate Pastor at our congregational meeting on Wednesday, June 26th. Vicar Beaver is in the Army Reserves and is seeking military endorsement as a Army Chaplain. His ordination will be one more step in supporting him on his journey. …

Lenten 5 – 5 – 5 Project Update

Thank you for your support and involvement with our Lenten 5-5-5 congregational outreach project. We had a goal of receiving 500 items for NALC Disaster Relief Kits and Hygiene kits and collecting $500, all in 5 weeks’ time. We give thanks to God for the love and care you have extended and rejoice at His work through …

Easter Worship

Easter Saturday, March 30 5:30pm – Easter Worship with Holy Communion Easter Sunday, March 31 6:30am – “Sunrise” Easter Worship with Holy Communion 8:30am – Easter Worship with Holy Communion 10:30am – Easter Worship with Holy Communion (Live-Streamed) Please join us for a time of fellowship with coffee and snacks after Worship. It is our mission to spread the Gospel by …

Maundy Thursday and Good Friday Worship

Maundy Thursday, March 28 Join us for a traditional Maundy Thursday worship service with Holy Communion. The services will include a symbolic foot washing and will conclude with the stripping of the altar. Services are at Noon and 6:30pm. The Noon service is live-streamed. Good Friday, March 29 Join us as we reflect upon the death …

Midweek Lenten Worship – March 6th

Please join us each Wednesday during the Lenten Season as we gather for Lenten Worship at Noon and 6:30pm on 3/6, 3/13 and 3/20. The Noon Service will be live-streamed and the bulletins and links are below. A soup and salad dinner is provided from 5:30 to 6:15pm. Suggested donation is $5. Please kindly RSVP by replying …

Ash Wednesday Worship

You are dust, and to dust you shall return (Genesis 3:19) Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the lenten season and is a time fo personal reflection and repentance. As a symbol of repentance and admission of our frailty, the imposition of ashes will be offered for those who desire to receive them. We invite …

Weekend Worship Services

Weekend Worship Services Saturday at 5:30pm (Traditional Liturgy) Sunday at 8:30am (Traditional Liturgy) Sunday at 10:30am (Contemporary) – Live-streamed Other Information: Access to Online Worship Information Christmas Worship Services Christmas Eve Services – Sunday, Dec 24 at 5:00pm, 7:00pm, 9:00pm & 11:00pm 5:00pm – Traditional Service with Children’s Homily ** Live Streamed 7:00pm – Traditional Service 9:00pm – Cantata …

Thanksgiving Eve Worship Live Stream

“Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him; bless his name! For the Lord is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations.” Psalm 100:4-5 Please join us for a time of thanksgiving to our Lord and Savior for His gifts as we gather for worship, …

Stewardship Response Weekend

Living in God’s Abundance as stewards of his grace! Dear Disciples, Over the past five weeks we’ve been blessed to receive the gifts of those in our congregation who provided devotions and temple talks as they reflected on what it meant to them to live in God’s abundant grace. Their words, written and spoken, are …