Youth Life News

Party in the Patch is this Saturday, October 26 from 11am-1pm. This is a great family event with games, pumpkins, food trucks and Halloween fun! We need youth to hand out candy and run these games. Please arrive by 10am to help with setup. We will be starting setup at 9am if you want to arrive early. You will …

Confirmation – October 27th

On Sunday, Oct 27 we celebrate at the 10:30 service as some of our Youth are confirmed. Be sure to join us after the service for a time of Fellowship so that you can pass along your congratulations for reaching this important milestone.

Pumpkin Patch Volunteers

If you have never volunteered before, we will make sure you are equipped (it’s easy!) and that you have all the support you need. If you have any questions about what volunteers do, please contact contact the church office, and we can put you in touch with Jackie Hudson. Invite a friend or family member to volunteer with …

WNALC – Brainstorming and Bites

Now that our congregation has representation at the national level of Women of the NALC, we would like to organize our efforts locally with a Women’s Group within our congregation. Paprticipants will come together for service projects, fellowship and study. This group does not replace any current ministries but seeks to structure the gifts of time offered by …

Bake and Craft Sale

On Saturday, October 26th, there will be a tent set up for the Little Lambs Early Learning Center to share their information with the community. They will host a Bake Sale & Craft Sale during the event from 11am to 1pm. If you would like to contribute a baked item or, if you are a …

Shepherd Shelves

Current needs are condiments, shelf-stable milk, soups, toilet paper, bags of rice, and canned beans. We now have a small freezer and can take small quantities of frozen meats and vegetables. We see a number of folks each week needing supplemental support, your donations are a real blessing to these individuals and families.

Pumpkin Patch – Volunteers Needed

Opening day was quite rainy but we still had customers on both shifts! Thanks to our volunteers who worked through the showers. We are still setting up a few things and putting finishing touches on others. We have many open slots during our first week. Listed below are the current needs. If you have never volunteered before, we …

Pumpkins With A Purpose – Thank You!

The pumpkins are here! The pumpkins are here! It was a small but mighty group of volunteers offloading just over 1500 bulk pumpkins PLUS boxes of little ones. Thank you volunteers! We are ready for “Pumpkins with a Purpose!”

Youth Life News

Youth Life classes for those 9-12th grade who are already confirmed are held 9:45-10:20am in the small conference room outside the fellowship hall next to Pastor DiBias’ office.  Pumpkins are coming! We are scheduled to unload pumpkins this Saturday, October 5th. The scheduled time to meet is 8:45am. We need all hands on deck to unload the pumpkins. Even if you cannot …

Unloading Pumpkins

Our truck has left New Mexico and is scheduled to arrive Saturday at 9:00am. We need as many helping hands as possible!!! Please join us at 8:45am as we gather for instructions and begin our work at 9:00am. There is a task for every ability level and all are welcome!  Invite friends. Teens earn Community Service …

Party In The Patch – Volunteers Needed

Our children’s party will be Saturday, October 26th from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. We could use help with decorations on the 24th and 25th, help setting up the morning of the 26th, help during the event and help with clean-up. If you would like to be a part of the fun, please indicate your …

Women’s Ministry Updates

Now that our congregation has representation at the national level with the Women of the NALC group – Marti Baggs is on the Board – we are seeking to increase our efforts and participation locally with a Women’s Group. They would come together for service projects, fellowship and study. If you would be interested in attending events and helping with …

Peru Mission Presentation

We will gather on Wednesday, October 2nd for a fellowship meal of soup & salad at 5:30pm and a presentation at 6:00pm. Our Missionaros who journeyed to Tarma & Huancal Peru in August will share photos and stories of the work being done in our congregation there. A lot happened in a short visit!! Please help us …

Youth Life Update

Confirmation classes continue this Sunday, September 29th. You’ll meet at 9:45 in the Youth Life room in the Shepherd Center. Class will be done in time for you to attend the 10:30 service. Those being confirmed will meet in Pastor Phillips’ office.  Youth Life classes for those 9-12th grade who are already confirmed are held 9:45-10:20am in the small …

Blessing of the Pets

All pets and their humans are welcome to join us for this fun and special service. We give thanks to God for the blessings our pets provide in our lives and the opportunity to provide love and care in return. We do require that all pets be caged, leashed or otherwise restrained. Please indicate your …

Footsteps of Paul – Group Tour

We are booking guests on our upcoming trip which focuses on the “Footsteps of Paul”. Travelers will visit many towns where Paul spread the message of Jesus in the early days of Christianity in Turkey and Greece. We will also visit beautiful places such as Crete & Santorini! Our trip originates in Orlando on Friday, March …

A Courtesy FYI

The Solid Waste Division hosts household hazardous waste and electronic waste mobile collection events throughout the city. There is one scheduled for Saturday, September 21, 2024, 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM – Mandarin Park, 14780 Mandarin Road. Visit for a complete list of what they can and cannot accept and confirm any changes to …

Youth Life News

Confirmation classes continue this Sunday, September 22nd. You’ll meet at 9:45 in the Youth Life room in the Shepherd Center. Class will be done in time for you to attend the 10:30 service. Those being confirmed will meet in Pastor Phillips’ office.  Youth Life classes for those 9-12th grade who are already confirmed are held 9:45-10:20am in the small …

Monthly Game Night

Monthly Game Night – All are invited to monthly Game Night – this month it’s on Sat, Sept 21 at 6:45pm. All types of board games, card games, etc. All ages are welcome, but childcare is not provided. If you would like to bring a snack to share you can but there is always plenty!

Columbarium Expansion

We have been blessed to provide a columbarium ministry at Shepherd of the Woods. We are currently in the process of designing an outdoor columbarium garden expansion to include shaded areas to sit, a butterfly garden and a place to gather and give thanks for the saints who have gone before us. The new outdoor …

All Day Quilting Workshop

Men, women and teens are invited to join us on Saturday, September 28 from 9am to 3pm in the Fellowship Hall. There will be tasks for every skill level as we work on quilts for Lutheran World Relief and NALC Disaster Recovery. The gift of your time translates into the blessing of warmth and comfort …

Kitchen Renovation In Full Swing

We are making great progress with our renovations – the appliances and cabinets have been removed and we are working on the structure for the new closets. The north Annex Classroom is being used for our storage and temporary kitchen. Please have patience with this project as we proceed. If you facilitate meetings or events that include …

Shepherd Shelves

Shepherd Shelves – current needs are canned meats of all kinds, condiments, shelf-stable milk, soups, toilet paper, canned fruit and canned vegetables (except peas, corn and baked beans – we have plenty of these right now!) We see a number of folks each week needing supplemental support, your donations are a real blessing to these individuals and families.

Youth Life News

Great turnout for Shipwreck Island! More than a dozen youth turned out for this afternoon of fun. It might have been cloudy and rainy, but that didn’t dampen the spirits of our youth life group! Thank you to Michelle, Heather and Michael for being the designated chaperones for this event. Please see pics below! Confirmation classes …

Open Position For Preschool Teacher

Our Little Lambs Early Learning Center has an opening for a Preschool Lead Teacher. Hours are 8-1 pm M-F or 8-3 pm M-F. Candidates are required to have 45 hours through DCF, or working towards them. A High School Diploma is required, an AA of BA in Early Education is preferred. Required licenses and certifications: …

Kitchen Demo – Thank You!

Thank you to the “gettin ‘er done” crew this morning. Your time, energy, organization, muscles, and talents are a blessing to the ministry. We have officially entered into the season of Kitchen Renovations.

Women’s Bible Study

Women’s Bible Study resumes Monday, Sept 9 at 10:00am – This season’s study will use the book “Heaven” by Randy Alcorn. It can be purchased on Amazon. If you need help ordering your copy, please call Kay Seivert at 904.655.4789. All women are invited to attend this time spent together focusing on the Word.

WNALC Update

Now that our congregation has representation at the national level with the Women of the NALC group – Marti Baggs is on the Board – we are seeking to increase our efforts and participation locally with a Women’s Group. They would come together for service projects, fellowship and study. If you would be interested in attending events and helping with …

Youth Life News

We are having a water day this Saturday at Adventure Landing- Shipwreck Island water park. Saturday, September 7, from 11am-2:30pm. Bring a towel, sunscreen, dry clothes, water shoes and about $15-20 cash/debit card for lunch! Meet at the park at 1944 Beach Blvd, Jacksonville Beach at 11am to gather with your Youth Life(7-12th grade) friends for a day of …

Kitchen Renovation Has Begun

We have emptied the Fellowship Hall closet and will begin renovating this week. We are using the north Annex Classroom for our temporary storage and eventual temporary kitchen. Please have patience with this project as we proceed. As we strive to be good stewards, we are seeking the best pricing possible on required expenses and …

NALC Disaster Response Update

Remember our Lent 5 x 5 x 5 program? The congregation supported NALC by collecting cleaning supplies for flood buckets, items for hygiene kits and loads of handmade quilts. Volunteers worked at different times and assembled more than 100 buckets and 80+ hygiene kits. A team from NALC Disaster Relief stopped by and we loaded …

Faithful Friday – August 30th

As for you, always be steady, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry. -2 Timothy 4:5 Dear Disciple of Christ, In Paul’s second letter to his co-worker, Timothy, he spent some time clarifying how the church would continue. It was an amazing idea. God would watch over His church and provide for disciples, …

The Pumpkins Are Coming – October 5th at 9:00 am

We have been working on the Pumpkin Patch plan since March, placing our order with Pumpkins USA and slightly increasing our count this year! We are asked to list 4 delivery dates and we were slotted in our first pick! Lots of things will have to happen before delivery day and we are looking for …

Shoe Us The Love

The First Coast Group of Thrivent, in partnership with The Exchange Club, invites you to support their 2024 Shoe Drive. Donate your gently worn used shoes or new shoes today! The shoes will be reused and given new life through #microenterprise to help those in need. To make sorting easier, please tie together shoes with …

Kitchen Renovations Have Begun

We have emptied the Fellowship Hall closet and will begin renovating this week. We are using the north Annex Classroom for our temporary storage and eventual temporary kitchen. Please have patience with this project as we proceed. We are finalizing the design and budget and look forward to sharing additional updates. As we strive to …

Youth Life News

We are having a water day at Adventure Landing- Shipwreck Island water park. Mark your calendars for Saturday, September 7, from 10am-2:30pm. Bring a towel, sunscreen, dry clothes, water shoes and about $15-20 cash/debit card for lunch! Meet at the park at 1944 Beach Blvd, Jacksonville Beach at 10am to gather with your Youth Life(7-12th grade) friends for a …

Shoe Us The Love

The First Coast Group of Thrivent, in partnership with The Exchange Club, invites you to support their 2024 Shoe Drive. Donate your gently worn used shoes or new shoes today! The shoes will be reused and given new life through #microenterprise to help those in need. To make sorting easier. Please tie shoes with laces …

Peru Mission Trip Support – Thank You!

Our mission trippers returned safely following a wonderful trip. Among their many accomplishments were creating and painting a new mural on the outside walls of the church property, completing a 2nd bathroom for the afterschool ministry, building a fence and stabilizing a stairwell. Additional improvements were made all over the property and our friends in the …

Youth Life News

Awesome pool party! 15 youth plus adults gathered at Dennis and Sherrie Faye’s home last Sunday. Everyone had a wonderful time. Thank you to our hosts and to the chaperones who also provided lunch. Great way to end the summer and begin the school year! Confirmation classes will begin September 8th. More details to follow! …

Updates From Peru

Double the fun, working in both Huancal building safety railing and handrails while at Iglesia Luterana Misión Tarma painting a new mural on the church wall by the street. It was a great day to do mission!

Holy Land Trip Update

After scheduling and rescheduling a trip to the Holy Land, it has been determined (for now) to take the trip off the calendar. While we are disappointed, we do have every hope and dream to get there in the upcoming years when peace in the war-torn land ends and tourism has resumed. With that said, …

Little Lambs Bake Sale Weekend

Little Lambs Bake Sale Weekend – Sat Aug 24 & Sun, Aug 25 – We will have a wonderful assortment of cookies, cakes, tarts and breads, many sugar-free or gluten-free for those of you who prefer these items! Be sure to stop by the Gathering Area that weekend and select a few goodies to support our Early Learning Center. …

Women’s Retreat

Ladies, mark your calendar for Fri, Feb 28 , 2025 – Sun, Mar 2 , 2025 for the annual women’s retreat. The retreat will be held at St Stephen Christian Retreat & Conference Center in Titusville, FL.

Footsteps of Paul

COMING SOON! In the footsteps of Paul – Greece & Turkey (including a 4 night Greek Island Cruise). Join us March 21, 2025 – March 29, 2025. Information will be published soon!

Music Ministry Updates

Choir Rehearsals Resume, Tuesday, August 6 – For ANYONE who would like to offer the gift of worship through song, you are welcome to be a part of the choir that sings at the Sunday 8:30am service and very occasionally at the Saturday 5:30pm service. This group gathers to practice on Tuesdays at 6:00pm. ALL are welcome! …

Faithful Friday – August 2nd

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control” (Galatians 5:22-23). Those fruits then and now are signs of the presence of Christ and the power of the Spirit that empowers a community in Christ. Dear disciple of Christ,  Last week I was describing the decision of our congregation …

Ordination Thank You

Pastor Luke Beaver, who was ordained last weekend, offers thanks to the congregation for their support: Thank you to all who attended the Ordination Service and reception, all who served at the service, provided the meal, and offered such kind, thoughtful gifts and cards. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated and a meaningful part of the …

Youth Life Pool Party

On Sun, Aug 11, our Youth will gather for worship at 10:30am and then depart for a fun afternoon of swimming and a yummy lunch. Please watch for the Youth Life email with details or call Rhonda Taylor in the church office with any questions.

Women of the NALC

Greetings from the Women of the NALC Council – On August 6, 2024, we will gather online at 3:00 PM ET to discuss the business of the WNALC and planning for next year. The focus for this year’s meeting is The Love of Christ Compels Us and our keynote Speaker is The Rev. Melinda Jones. We will be …

Quilting Ministry Update 

Quilting Ministry Update – Our quilters now meet EVERY Wednesday at 1:30pm! No experience is needed and no sewing! This group cuts squares, organizes them by color, creates quilt top patterns and matches already- sewn quilt tops with filler and backing. Even if you have never volunteered before, you can be trained in minutes!! If good …