Join your Youth Life friends this Sunday, January 28, 12:30-3:30 for Game Day.
Makayla and Braden have put this afternoon of fun together so you all can get together for some fellowship time! Lunch will be served and games will be played! Refer to the flyer for more information. Drop in anytime between 12:30-3:30! See you Sunday!
Ash Wednesday is right around the corner on February 13 and so, we are going to have a “Shrove Tuesday” breakfast youth fundraiser on Sunday, February 11. We will serve a pancake breakfast between the services and after the 10:30 service. You all do an amazing job cooking breakfast for our fellow church members. If you can help, or as a parent, if you can pitch in, please let me know. Please mark this on your calendar!
February 11 is also Superbowl Sunday, as well as “Souperbowl” Sunday. This annual national fundraiser gathers funds and food for food banks across the country. We participate by holding a soup pot in the gathering area after each service that weekend. 100% of the donated funds go straight to a local food bank. This initiative has been around for over 30 years raising millions of dollars each year for local food banks and pantries.
It’s not too early to mark your calendars for Dine with Us, a youth fundraiser. This fundraiser takes a lot of people to make it happen, so mark your calendars for Saturday, March 9th. Our theme this year is the Australian Outback! Dennis Faye will be on hand as our guest chef leading any youth who would like to be in the kitchen instead of the dining room. This is always a really fun event for both the congregation attending and our youth who help out. And a great way to earn funds for upcoming youth events such as Confirmation Camp.