Happy Epiphany!
Did you notice the change? We’ve changed colors again, going from blue for Advent to green for Epiphany. Notice the color change on the altar and the banner change. As the seasons of the church change, so do the colors on the altar.
Our next youth fundraiser is a Pancake Breakfast coming up Sunday, February 11.We will serve breakfast between the services on the Sunday before Ash Wednesday. You all do an amazing job cooking breakfast for our fellow church members. Please mark this on your calendar!
It’s not too early to mark your calendars for Dine with Us, a youth fundraiser. This fundraiser takes a lot of people to make it happen, so mark your calendars for Saturday, March 9th. Our theme this year is the Australian Outback! This is always a really fun event for both the congregation attending and our youth who help out. And a great way to earn funds for upcoming youth events such as Confirmation Camp.