Dear Friends,
It is so good to have you join us for worship this Christmas. We welcome you into an exciting and vibrant community in Christ who gather in His name each week. We hope you will enjoy your time with us today and consider returning often.
At Shepherd of the Woods, we consider the Bible as source and norm for life and the basis for our growth in faith. We believe that ministry is faith in action, and it is our joy to serve in Christ’s name. and it is our joy to be in service to our Lord and our neighbor. We have an active community outreach and care program to offer our gifts in service and love to people in our neighborhood, throughout Jacksonville and beyond. We welcome your participation as a gift to you and from you.
We seek to KNOW Christ so that we may SHARE and SHOW Christ in our daily lives, letting HIS light shine through us and that HE may be glorified. If you have any questions concerning our community of disciples, our faith or our ministry here, please contact us at 904-641-8385. If you have no church home, we hope you’ll consider joining with us in mission and ministry and that we’ll see you next week. Thanks again for joining us in worship.
Peace in the name of the newborn King and our SAVIOR! Pastor K. Phillips
Senior Pastor