Happy New Year! Welcome to 2024!

Welcome back youth who attended Equipped this past weekend. All had a great time immersing themselves in the Word, enjoying fellowship time with each other, and enjoying the beauty of Jekyll Island. Please see the pictures below. Thank you to Pastor DiBias, Pastor Phillips and Shelley DiBias for chaperoning this event. 

Did you know that once you are confirmed, you can serve as an assisting minister during worship? Please let me or one of the pastors know if you are interested so we can set up training! 

Our next youth fundraiser is a Pancake Breakfast coming up Sunday, February 11.We will serve breakfast between the services on the Sunday before Ash Wednesday. You all do an amazing job cooking breakfast for our fellow church members. Please mark this on your calendar!  For additional details, please visit our Youth Calendar.

Blessings on your New Year! See you in worship!