It has been a very busy few weeks dealing with the possible purchase of the Pacetti Road Property with the intent to plant a mission church in St. John’s County. Over the past several months we have been actively involved in “due diligence”. This is to ensure the property can be developed with a church and all of its supporting ministries. We have had conversations with the St. Johns County Planning Department to address everything from development and site plans and concurrency. We have conducted surveys (boundary, tree & wetland), completed a wetland delineation process and phase 1 & 2 environmental testing. These tests have revealed more wetlands than anticipated which will require mitigation as well as a small area of environmental concern that has been retested this past week (we are waiting for these results). We are diligently working through what all of this means for us and the impact this would have on purchasing the property and being able to develop a mission church. More information will be forthcoming, but first we are waiting for the remaining tests results and impact information from the experts regarding the results. Please continue to keep this process in your prayers.