Living in God’s Abundance as stewards of his grace!

Dear Disciples,

Over the past five weeks we’ve been blessed to receive the gifts of those in our congregation who provided devotions and temple talks as they reflected on what it meant to them to live in God’s abundant grace. Their words, written and spoken, are an invitation for us to consider how we are living stewards of all that God has provided. I am grateful for their testimonies and witness not just to the community, but to the Lord himself and pray you have been blessed as well.

Each week in worship we pray to the Lord with these words, “We offer with joy and thanksgiving, what you have first given us, ourselves, our time, and our possessions; signs of your gracious love. Receive them for the sake of Him who offered Himself for us, Jesus Christ our Lord.” These are heart words, reminding us not just of our call to be stewards, but reminding us also of our actual response. “We offer” is an action item or response! You see, being a steward isn’t simply what we DO. It is who we ARE! We are entrusted with what God has done, is doing, and has yet to do in our lives. We do this by supporting the mission of Jesus Christ through all we have and all we are. Our lives are a living testimony to God’s abundant grace.

As we prepare for worship this weekend, I pray you have been preparing your heart to respond to God’s gifts by offering your time, talents and resources to His mission in our church, community and even in the world. You are encouraged to spend time in prayer and reflection as you allow the Spirit to lead. Perhaps challenge yourself in new and exciting ways. Offer your time by trying a new ministry, offer your talents in a new way, and offer your financial giving in a renewed way that reminds you that none of this is ours but all of it is to be used to His glory. 

If you’ve not yet received your 2024 stewardship materials they are provided below. Please prayerfully complete them and bring them with you to church this weekend where we will once again declare to our Lord, “We offer with joy and thanksgiving, what you have first given us….”.

May our gracious Lord continue to bless and lead us as we seek to know Christ, share Christ, and show Christ in our lives and in the world.


Pastor Phillips