Christmas Worship Services
Tuesday, December 24 Wednesday, December 25 Live Stream Information
The Fourth Sunday of Advent
The Advent wreath is a centuries-old Christian tradition. It symbolizes themes and beliefs central to the Christian faith. The fourth candle of Advent represents Love, the ultimate love of God that He might send His only Son for us. Called the “Angel’s Candle,” the fourth candle of Advent is lit the Sunday before Christmas, and it is the color purple, leading us …
Christmas Eve Cookie Fellowship
We invite you to help celebrate the season with a time of fellowship following each Christmas Eve service and Christmas Day service.
Shepherd Shelves
We have seen a real uptick in recent weeks and your care of our community is a real blessing. Please put dry goods on the marked shelf in the Gathering Area to be checked in and give cold items to a staff member or one of the Pastors. Our current needs are breakfast cereals, pasta …
Holiday Harmonies
Christmas Day Potluck
Join us! Any who would like to gather after the 10:30am worship service are welcome to attend a casual potluck luncheon. The meats and drinks will be provided and all other dishes will be welcome additions to the table. If you think you will join us, please sign up on the Connect Card or contact …
Third Sunday of Advent
The Advent wreath is a centuries-old Christian tradition. It symbolizes themes and beliefs central to the Christian faith. The third candle of Advent symbolizes Joy. As we continue to approach Christmas Day, our joy grows more and more. The third candle takes us back to the joyful anticipation of the shepherds who journeyed to see Jesus in Bethlehem, even …
2024 Advent and Christmas Schedule
Our busy holiday season continues with a few more events. Please keep these dates handy and make plans to join us in worship and serving. There are many opportunities to volunteer both with worship services, special events and helping those in need. Christmas Season Schedule We encourage you to be prayerful throughout the Advent and Christmas …
Youth Christmas Party

Christmas Eve Worship

Holiday Harmonies

Christmas Blessings in Peru
As we prepare to celebrate Christmas in the states, we have the opportunity to extend our care, and “show Christ” to those in need. Our Christmas outreach program this year will include providing small gifts, hot chocolate & panettone to approximately 100 children ($10 each) in the community plus the 40 children and 8 seniors …
Christmas Caroling

Christmas Caroling
Spread the Joy! Join us as we go caroling to shut-in and to assisted living facilities to share the good news of the season through song and smiles. Join us on Sunday, Dec 15 at Noon for a quick lunch. We will divide into groups and set out as soon as we can. This will …
Ladies Luncheon
Women of all ages are invited to our annual Salad luncheon December 14th from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. You are welcome to bring a salad of any kind. We will also do a cookie exchange and you are welcome to bring a dozen of your favorite cookies if you would like to. This year we …
Parents Night Out
“Women of the Woods” will be hosting a Parents Night Out on Fri, Dec 6th Parents, come out and take advantage of time to shop or go out for a quiet meal. Drop off as early as 5:00pm – we will feed and entertain them while you are out and ask that you pick them up by 8:00pm. A …
Angel Tree Gift Tags
We are pleased to be able to support Port in the Storm this holiday season. This ministry works with young men and women who have aged out of the foster system or who are homeless due to a crisis in their family. They offer safe housing, and job skill training . They have approximately 30 residents who …
Advent Fellowship Dinner & Service of Light
Join us Wednesday, Dec 4 – We begin the Advent season with a soup and salad fellowship meal at 5:30pm and special Service of Light at 6:30pm. This beautiful candlelit service is a time of worship and reflection as we eneter the holy time leading up to the birth of Christ. Invite a friend or neighbor …
The Advent Season
The Advent wreath is a centuries-old Christian tradition. It symbolizes themes and beliefs central to the Christian faith. The symbolizes Hope – the first Sunday of Advent not only leads us to anticipate the birth of Christ but celebrate the beginning of a new liturgical season as well. The first candle is purple, the primary color of Advent and a …
2024 Holidays
We have a busy holiday season ahead of us. Please keep these dates handy and make plans to join us in worship and serving. There are many opportunities to volunteer both with worship services, special events and helping those in need. We encourage you to be prayerful throughout the Advent and Christmas seasons, both in offering …
Shepherd’s Shelves Update
During the holiday food drive, we continue to accept donations for our small (but mighty) Shepherd’s Shelves food pantry ministry. We are blessed to be able to serve our community through this process. It wouldn’t be possible without your ongoing support. We have added a small freezer to hold things like meal kits, meats, and bread. To …
Christmas Blessings – Peru
Christmas blessings to our brothers and sisters in Christ in Peru! Thank you for extending your love and care of Christ through our Christmas outreach ministry. Christmas greetings and blessings were shared with the Benefencia just outside of Tarma. Your support provided gifts and coats to the orphanage for children and seniors. Thank you!
Christmas Greetings
Dear Friends, It is so good to have you join us for worship this Christmas. We welcome you into an exciting and vibrant community in Christ who gather in His name each week. We hope you will enjoy your time with us today and consider returning often. At Shepherd of the Woods, we consider the …
Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Worship
Thank You…
We offer everyone a HUGE Christmas thank you……. – to all who have donated food throughout the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons – Angel Aid has put together so many boxes for their families this year thanks to your generous donations. All of their families are caring for children who are either terminally ill or chronically ill. Many of …
Christmas in Peru Donations
We will be sponsoring the children at the Orphanage and the elderly residents at the Beneficencia as well as the Huancal community and select individuals in a community outreach program through the Tarma congregation. Sponsoring a child or senior to provide hot chocolate, panettone (a delicious bread with fruit) and a small gift is just …
Weekend Worship Services
Weekend Worship Services Saturday at 5:30pm (Traditional Liturgy) Sunday at 8:30am (Traditional Liturgy) Sunday at 10:30am (Contemporary) – Live-streamed Other Information: Access to Online Worship Information Christmas Worship Services Christmas Eve Services – Sunday, Dec 24 at 5:00pm, 7:00pm, 9:00pm & 11:00pm 5:00pm – Traditional Service with Children’s Homily ** Live Streamed 7:00pm – Traditional Service 9:00pm – Cantata …
Christmas Day Potluck
This year the Fellowship Hall will be a place to gather with brothers and sisters in Christ after the Christmas Day Worship service. We will have a good ol’ fashioned pot-luck luncheon after the 10:30 am worship service. For additional details, please contact the church office.
Christmas Eve Worship

Angel Tree
The Christmas gift tags for children from the Angel Aid Foundation have arrived and there might be a few left – if so, they are available in the hallway. If you take a tag, please make sure you leave your name and contact information! Financial donations are also appreciated – we can do the shopping for you! Just mark your …
Fellowship Dinner & Christmas Cantata
Join us on Wednesday, December 20th. We will celebrate the season in worship with Word through music. Dinner will be held at 5:30 pm and the Cantata presentation at 6:30 pm. The cantata will be presented again on Christmas Eve at the 9:00 pm service.
Holiday Meal Baskets
We are collecting non-perishables for our friends in ministry at Angel Aid for their family Christmas Baskets. There is a specially marked bin in the Gathering Area for this food drive. You are welcome to continue providing items to our food pantry during the drive. Most Needed: canned fruit and vegetables, canned soups and broth, boxed …
Children’s Christmas Program
Our Little Lambs ELC children and our Sunday School children will celebrate the season in Word and song on Wednesday, December 13th at 6:30 pm. Plan to attend and be blessed by the proclamation of the young ones.
Family Christmas Caroling
Join us Sunday, December 10th at Noon – All are welcome as we visit shut-ins and to minister to members and others in our communty. We gather in the Shepherd Center at 11:40 for a quick meal. Please indicate your participation on the Yellow Insert so we can plan the groups & routes.
Ladies Christmas Luncheon
Ladies of all ages are invited to join us on Saturday, December 9th from 11 am to 1 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Please bring a salad or a dessert (or both if you choose!) and enjoy a time of food, fun, and fellowship. It is always a wonderful time! If you have not already signed up, …
Happenings at SOTW – December 3rd
Christmas Worship Schedule

Worship – December 3rd
Christmas Caroling

Advent Service of Light
Advent Service of Light & Christmas Tree Lighting

Upcoming Advent Dates 2023
Wed, Nov 29 – Fellowship Dinner and Advent Service of Light Sun, Dec 3 – Lunch-n-Legos Sat, Dec 9 – Women’s Christmas Luncheon Sun, Dec 10 – Family Christmas Caroling Wed, Dec 13 – Children’s Christmas Program Sat. Dec 16 – Wreaths Across America (for youth) Wed Dec 20 – Fellowship Dinner and Christmas Cantata …
Christmas Cantata
Christmas Cantata Singers – We are beginning to rehearse for the Cantata which will be presented on Wednesday, Dec 20 and on Christmas Eve at the 9:00pm service. We invite all who would like to participate to join us on Tuesdays from 7:00 to 7:30pm. Even if you are not part of the regular Sunday choirs, …
Live Nativity
For two evenings we received visitors to our Live Nativity which featured sharing the Word through readings and carols, a photo station, a bunny petting booth, crafts for children, and a fire pit s’mores station. A great time was had by all and we were able to great a number of our community neighbors!
Ladies Christmas Luncheon
Fantastic salads and yummy sweets were the stars of the show! Thanks to all who gathered for food, fellowship, and fun.
Christmas Worship Services
Worship This Christmas at Shepherd of the Woods Church and School
Christmas Eve Services – Saturday, December 24 at 5:00 pm, 7:00 pm, 9:00 pm & 11:00 pm 5:00 pm & 7:00 pm are Traditional Services 9:00 pm is our Lesson and Carols Service 11:00 pm is our Candle Light All services celebrate Holy Communion Live Stream Christmas Eve Service at 7:00 pm – if you are …
Read more “Worship This Christmas at Shepherd of the Woods Church and School”
Christmas Season Thank You
As we continue our Advent worship and preparations for Christmas celebrations, you, as a congregation have helped make the season more special for others. You provided gifts for 122 children through the Angel Aid Angel Tree program, more than 40 gifts for the 14 women we sponsored through the residential program at City Rescue mission, …
Christmas Eve Worship Invitation

Christmas Food Baskets For Angel Aid
Thanks to all who donated for the Thanksgiving baskets. Angel Aid continues their support of families with additional food at Christmas and they are most in need of paper towels, toilet paper, feminine care items as well as canned goods including meats, tuna, fruits, veggies and breakfast cereals. If you would like to donate, there …
Children’s Christmas Festival
Children’s Christmas Festival – Sat, Dec 10th from 10:30 to Noon – Make plans to bring your children for fun and games, photos with Santa and a special book reading of “It Must Be Christmas” at 11:00am. Bring a friend! Please RSVP using the Yellow Insert and let us know how many children you will be …
Angel Tree Gifts
Thank you to all who sponsored children and who made financial contribution towards gifts. Your generosity and care are so deeply appreciated by the families and the Angel Aid organization. If you did not return your Angel Tree Gifts this weekend, please bring them to the office no later than Monday, Dec 5. So we …
Advent Service and Christmas Tree Lighting

A blessed Advent season to you and your family! We pray, in the midst of the hustle and bustle, this be a time of prayer and preparation for our coming Savior, Jesus Christ. Please join us for our Advent Service of Light and Christmas Tree Lighting on Wednesday, November 30th at 6:30pm. A fellowship meal will be served at 5:30pm. Please RSVP to the church office.
To Show Christ – Updates
City Rescue Mission Life Changers Ministry – We are sponsoring 15 women who are participating in a year-long residential program that provides educational, work training, life skills and faith-based support. We are seeking to offer a few small gifts to each of these ladies. If you would like to help, please select and sign out a tag from the …
Epiphany Worship Service

Live Nativity

Christmas Caroling