The Annual Yard Sale

We will be holding our sale a little earlier this year – ON Saturday, March 15, from 7 am to 2 pm. All proceeds from the sale support our Tarma, Peru Mission Church. The storage bins will arrive the week of February 17th so now is the time to begin cleaning out closets, drawers and the garage!!! If …

Christmas Blessings in Peru

 As we prepare to celebrate Christmas in the states, we have the opportunity to extend our care, and “show Christ” to those in need. Our Christmas outreach program this year will include providing small gifts, hot chocolate & panettone to approximately 100 children ($10 each) in the community plus the 40 children and 8 seniors …

Peru Mission Update

Each month, Pastor Araujo sends us ministry reports highlighting what God has been doing and how the Spirit is moving. This past month Pastor Araujo was able to visit and extend God’s love and care to several sick people. He also continues his ministry of presence and encouragement with those imprisoned and awaiting trial in Tarma. He …

Final Pumpkin Patch Tally

After taking in more than $16K in sales and sending the fundraising company their share (we keep 33%), and after expenses, we were able to put a little more than $5,000 into a variety of ministries – The Peru mission, a food bank in Jacksonville, the Pastors’ discretionary fund, the Youth Life ministry, and the Little Lambs …

Peru Mission Presentation

We will gather on Wednesday, October 2nd for a fellowship meal of soup & salad at 5:30pm and a presentation at 6:00pm. Our Missionaros who journeyed to Tarma & Huancal Peru in August will share photos and stories of the work being done in our congregation there. A lot happened in a short visit!! Please help us …

Peru Mission Trip Support – Thank You!

Our mission trippers returned safely following a wonderful trip. Among their many accomplishments were creating and painting a new mural on the outside walls of the church property, completing a 2nd bathroom for the afterschool ministry, building a fence and stabilizing a stairwell. Additional improvements were made all over the property and our friends in the …

Updates From Peru

Double the fun, working in both Huancal building safety railing and handrails while at Iglesia Luterana Misión Tarma painting a new mural on the church wall by the street. It was a great day to do mission!

Yard Sale – Thank You!

Our annual Yard Sale last weekend raised more than $6,300 which will be used to further programs in our mission church and outreach ministries in Tarma, Peru and the Kingdom Kids after-school and tutoring programs. Thanks to all who donated and who worked all week getting ready for the sale!

Peru Mission Trip Update

You are invited to prayerfully consider joining us on our next Mission Trip to Tarma, Peru! Our tentative dates are sometime in early August 2024. Estimated cost is approximately $1500 and is mostly dependent on the cost of the airfare. Please check off your interest in learning more on the yellow connect card.

Life Changer Campaign

Our Life Changer campaign this year has been so successful thanks to your generous donations. To date, we have raised funds to sponsor 37 children with a school uniform, shoes and a backpack – all required before a child can be registered for school in Peru! We will never be able to fully see the outcome of these children receiving …

Support For Ariana

For those who have been to Peru you may remember Ariana. She is the daughter of Fathy and Elizabeth Jimenez and has graciously served with us in various ways since she was a child. Ariana is now in college in Lima (Wow! Heh?) and reached out to us humbly asking for assistance. The study program …

Peru Mission Update

Thank you for our brothers and sisters in Christ in Huancal for beautifying the church property with a grassy area. The children will love it!

Peru Mission Update

Praise the Lord! Even as we celebrated the Baptism of Aurelia, our broths and sisters in Christ welcomed three new brothers and sisters in Christ into the family! Bless them… lead them Lord!

Peru Mission Update

Another Praise Report! Look at what God is doing in Peru! Kingdom Kids is an outreach ministry that serves children by connecting faith and life. They are on “summer break” right now and 60 children gather 6 days a week for academic support, faith classes, fun and games. Thank you to the teachers using their …

Christmas Blessings – Peru

Christmas blessings to our brothers and sisters in Christ in Peru! Thank you for extending your love and care of Christ through our Christmas outreach ministry. Christmas greetings and blessings were shared with the Benefencia just outside of Tarma. Your support provided gifts and coats to the orphanage for children and seniors. Thank you!

Peru Mission Trip Update

Due to the American Embassy alert notification, we are postponing our January trip to Tarma. Mark your calendar, however, for July 29 , 2024 – August 8, 2024. If you would like information about possibly joining us on this trip, please indicate your interest on the Yellow Insert or contact the church office.

Christmas in Peru Donations

We will be sponsoring the children at the Orphanage and the elderly residents at the Beneficencia as well as the Huancal community and select individuals in a community outreach program through the Tarma congregation. Sponsoring a child or senior to provide hot chocolate, panettone (a delicious bread with fruit) and a small gift is just …

Peru Mission Update

We are beginning to plan our 2024 trips to Tarma, Peru, targeting late January for our first trip and mid-summer for the second one. Our early trip is usually more administrative in nature, planning projects and estimating needs but does include work on the property as needed. Our summer trip usually is more project-oriented with …

Mission Update – Thank You!

Many thanks to those who donated to our many needs in Peru!! We were able to assist with all the needs requested: computers, medical assistance for a young girl battling leukemia, and the young man with rheumatoid arthritis, and repairs for Pr Araujo’s “Punch Buggy” which gets him from Lima to Tarma each week. Thank you …

Save The Date – Peru Mission Trip Update

We hope you have enjoyed the Peru Post emails, the Facebook updates and the photos shared in recent Announcements and online. The Mission Team certainly had some challenges getting to Tarma but all made it safely and managed to get a lot done in a short period of time!! The team will be sharing their …

Peru Mission Continues

Prior to our departure, we had the opportunity to meet with the ministry team in Tarma. In our discussions, we were made aware of some needs that we have been invited to support. Please prayerfully consider making a difference in the life of others. The requests made are as follows:  One of the local schools, …

Peru Mission Updates

Greetings from the Peru Mission Team.  By the grace of God we have safely traveled down the mountain from Tarma to Lima and are happy to report we are now safely home in the States. Despite the delays in getting to and from Peru, God has been gracious and merciful watching over us in His …

Mission In Peru

Shepherd of the Woods has been in mission in Peru since 2005. We’ve been blessed to make numerous trips over the years to share God’s love and hope and the Good News of Jesus Christ through word and deed. God has been at work through us and countless lives have been touched. We often say …

Our Time in Tarma

JOY is the word of the weekend! This includes the joy of being with our brothers and sisters in Christ at Shepherd of the Woods Mission Tarma. We’ve waited 3 years to return and God finally opened the doors for us and said, now is the time. We consider ourselves richly blessed.  Our Sunday began …

Updates From Peru

Greetings from the Peru Mission Team and your brothers and sisters in Christ. After some flight cancellations and delays, we made it safely to Tarma on Friday evening instead of Tuesday evening. By the grace of God, all the travel delays kept us from being stuck on the central highway following a horrible accident. So, …

Peru Mission Trip

After 3 years we are so excited to return to Peru this month to serve in partnership with our brothers and sisters in Christ in Tarma. We have a small, but mighty team who will travel to Peru July 17 – July 28 . We look forward to worshipping together, hearing the stories of how God has …

Eye Glasses

Do you have any prescription eyeglasses at home you can part with? If so, please bring them in by July 9th and we will take them to Peru where we have partnered with a ministry that distributes them to those in need. Our Missionary Team leaves on July 17th! For those going on the trip, a …

Youth Life News – Easter & Summer Updates

Good afternoon, friends! Happy Holy Week! Thank you to the youth who were able to help out with Maundy Thursday services today. Good Friday services are at Noon and 6:30 pm tomorrow. Please prayerfully consider joining us.  Mark your calendars for this Saturday, April 8th, to help with the annual Easter Egg Hunt. This event is …

Life Changer Ministry

Thank you to all who have donated to provide complete uniforms that will allow children in Tarma to be able to attend school when their new year begins. Unlike the US, not all children get to attend school and the full uniform is required to begin each year at a cost of approximately $120. Thanks …

Pancake Breakfast

Join us from 9:30 to 10:30 am on Sunday, February 19th as we serve a delicious, indulgent breakfast in anticipation of the Lenten season. Enjoy piping hot pancakes, bacon, sausage, coffee, and juice! Your free-will donation helps provide funds for Youth Life programming, summer camps, and the summer Peru Mission Trip.

Youth Life Update

Saturday is our next youth fundraiser, Dine with Us- Aloha! Our annual dinner fundraiser has a Hawaiian theme this year and promises to be a great event full of tikis and palm trees and all things Hawaiian! Saturday, February 11 is our event day. We ask that you arrive at 3 pm. Hawaiian shirts, long dark pants, and closed-toed shoes, please. …

ALOHA Dinner – Fundraiser

Join us for Come Dine with Us – Aloha! Hawaiian Dinner – Saturday, February 11th This evening of fun and great food is a Youth Life fundraiser, and all proceeds will be used for youth programs to include camp participation and the summer mission trip to Peru. This year’s theme is Aloha! and you will be treated …

Peru Trip Update

Our scheduled trip for Jan 4 has been postponed due to a 30-day state of emergency. In an abundance of caution, we have decided to wait to reschedule and will keep you posted as new dates are determined.

Christmas Season Thank You

As we continue our Advent worship and preparations for Christmas celebrations, you, as a congregation have helped make the season more special for others. You provided gifts for 122 children through the Angel Aid Angel Tree program, more than 40 gifts for the 14 women we sponsored through the residential program at City Rescue mission, …

Christmas Blessings in Peru

As we prepare to celebrate Christmas in the states, we have the opportunity to extend our care, and “show Christ” to those in need. Our Christmas outreach program this year will include providing small gifts, hot chocolate & panettone to approximately 140 children in the community plus the 40 children and 8 seniors housed at …