Greetings from the Peru Mission Team and your brothers and sisters in Christ.
After some flight cancellations and delays, we made it safely to Tarma on Friday evening instead of Tuesday evening. By the grace of God, all the travel delays kept us from being stuck on the central highway following a horrible accident. So, while we were inconvenienced, we give thanks to God for his traveling mercies and protection.
Mission Team L-R: Patricia Earle (Translator), Mike Truelove, Joe Jordan, Roxanne Jordan, Shelley DiBias, Pr Araujo, Pr DiBias, Pr Phillips, Rosann Parr, Janice Bowers.
Visit to Hauncal
On Saturday (July 22nd) we headed 20 minutes out of Tarma, and further up the mountain, to the beautiful village of Hauncal. A trip to Peru wouldn’t be complete without a visit here! We got to spend the entire day with them as we gathered for worship, fun and games, and fellowship! What a blessing is was to finally be together. Pr Araujo provides worship here every week.
The community of Hauncal has grown in numbers and community development. They are a witness in the true sense of what it means to be in community. They also reflect wonderful stewardship of what God has blessed them with. We saw many visible improvements (like a new courtyard pictured on the right), a new housing location for the guinea pigs, improved infrastructure, new roofs, and community center. God is nourishing the seeds of faith planted in Hauncal.