• New class – meeting Saturdays at 4:00pm with a new book The Divine Drama. Presented in two parts, Part 1 leads participants through the complete Biblical Narrative. Part 2 explores basic Christian teaching with topics such as the Trinity, prayer, stewardship, and the Church, covered from a biblical perspective.
  • Joining Jesus as a Family every third Sunday through Sept 15, 9:30am – Classes meet the third Sunday of every month at 9:30am through the end of September.
  • Liturgical Studies Class on Sunday. The Sunday Liturgical Studies class that meets at 9:30am will continue throughout the summer.
  • Adult Bible Study meets Sundays at 9:30am – “Old Places, New Faces.” The 12-lesson study is based on the Gospel of John. It is a small group Bible study conducted in a discussion format, that looks at old placesfrom New Testament stories and gives relevant, faith stimulating messages for today’s believers.
  • Men’s Breakfast & Bible Study – now held on the second and fourth Saturdays at 8:00am in the Fellowship Hall. A Zoom option is offered at 8:30am.
  • Midweek Bible Study Wednesdays at 6:30pm – All are welcome to this study of Matthew. This group meets in the Annex South classroom off the Fellowship Hall.
  • Women’s Bible Study – is on summer break and will resume after Labor Day.
  • Email Devotions –– Monday’s Mission Moment, Faith Matters and Faithful Fridays – If you would like tobe added to the email list, please sign up on the Yellow Connect Card. We will get you started this week!