Youth Life Update

Confirmation classes continue this Sunday, September 29th. You’ll meet at 9:45 in the Youth Life room in the Shepherd Center. Class will be done in time for you to attend the 10:30 service. Those being confirmed will meet in Pastor Phillips’ office. 

Youth Life classes for those 9-12th grade who are already confirmed are held 9:45-10:20am in the small conference room outside the fellowship hall next to Pastor DiBias’ office. 

Pumpkins arrive early this year! We are scheduled to unload pumpkins next Saturday, October 5th. The scheduled time to meet is 9am. We need all hands on deck to unload the pumpkins. Even if you cannot lift a pumpkin, you can help bring water to the unloaders and help in many other ways. The pumpkin patch will run every day through October 31st. Please plan on volunteering to work a shift. This will count towards community service hours and you could earn credit toward future youth events. Parents are invited to help out as well!

Party in the Patch is October 26 from 11am-1pm. This is a great family event with games, pumpkins, food trucks and Halloween fun! This year we are going to have all pirate themed games for the little ones to play. We need youth to hand out candy and run these games.You will get community service hours credit and credit to your youth fund(which can be used for Rock the Universe!). Would love for you all to dress as pirates in keeping with the theme. We have Un Poco Loco and Sweet and Salty food trucks. The food trucks were a big hit last year and this year promises to be just as yummy! 

Mark your calendars for Rock the Universe 2025. This annual Christian Music Festival is being held January 24-25 at Universal Studios, Orlando. We need at least 10 youth to get a group rate. We will leave Friday afternoon, January 24 and return Sunday, January 26. More details and cost will be forthcoming. You can work at the Pumpkin Patch to earn credits towards this event! If you are interested in going, please let me know.