Lots of wonderful ways to participate in the life of the congregation and in your Youth Life are coming up soon! From community service opportunities, fundraisers, camps, VBS and travel abroad, all help spread God’s love and share the good news. Please prayerfully consider where you can help out and participate.
Peterbrooke Chocolate sales start this Sunday after each worship service. This is our annual Mother’s Day fundraiser. Delicious chocolate covered treats are for sale from our local Peterbrooke store and the youth will received 30% of the sales. Sunday April 30 and May 7, youth are needed after all services to hand out samples and take orders. All orders will be ready for pickup at church Mother’s Day weekend(May 13-14). Please let me know if you can help out at any or all services, including Saturday. Those who help at the table get credits towards their youth accounts. Please see the flyer below for some more info.
Mark your calendars for a community service hour event. Sunday, May 7, during family hour (9:40-10:25), youth are putting together bag lunches for the St Francis Shelter- Port in the Storm youth shelter in St Augustine. Plan on meeting in the kitchen at 9:30 Sunday, May 7. For more information on this organization, click the link to their website: St Francis Shelter
Sunday, May 14, Mother’s Day, Youth Life is sponsoring fellowship with a Breakfast Fundraiser. Much like our Pancake Breakfast fundraiser, we will offer pancakes in addition to other yummy breakfast treats such as cinnamon rolls and breakfast casseroles. We have a Thrivent Card for supplies and ingredients. We will get together Saturday, May 13 from 3-5pm to make the cinnamon rolls and to decorate the fellowship hall. On Sunday, May 14, youth are asked to be at church from 8:30-12:00pm to help cook and serve. This is a fundraiser so those who participate will receive credit in their youth accounts for events like Confirmation Camp.
Vacation Bible School is June 12-16th, 9am-12pm. Volunteers are needed for this event. Please respond to this email or contact Cynthia Cannon if you can help. Vacation Bible School is a wonderful way for our younger friends to learn about God and the amazing world He created for us. Prayerfully consider helping out with this fantastic event. See the flyer below for more information about this “Stellar” event.
Confirmation Camp : Registration deadline is fast approaching (May 14). Camp runs June 25-30, Epworth by the Sea, Ga. Mark your calendars- see the attached flyer and complete your registration form and health form. This year you will be going to Summer Waves at Jekyll Island for a fun day in the sun. Your service project at Epworth will be helping with beach cleanup on Jekyll Island.
Confirmed youth are invited to go on the Peru Mission trip this summer. Dates are tentatively July 19-28, 2023. If you have interest in going on this trip, please let me or Pastor Phillips know. Cost is estimated at $1500- $2000 which includes airfare, hotel, meals, transportation. You need a valid passport, so if you are interested, begin the passport process. Fundraisers will be planned to help offset some of the costs.
Please click on the red box below for the most up to date Youth Calendar of events, the confirmation camp letter and health form.