The Summer 5-5-5 Service Project has begun! During the five weeks leading up to our Youth Life Confirmation Faith Camp, we strive as a community to collect 500 pounds of food and $500 in financial donations to support the Lutheran Social Service food bank and weekend backpack program.
Each Friday, hundreds of children across northeast Florida leave school in the afternoon not knowing if they will have food at home over the weekend. LSS works with elementary schools and teachers, bus drivers, and other personnel to identify students in need. Often, weekend bags are quietly slipped into backpacks by caring teachers. We support this ministry by providing shelf-stable items and you are invited to help as you are able.
Most needed items are:
- small jars of peanut butter and jelly,
- granola bars,
- individual cereals,
- microwavable soups and stews,
- instant oatmeal and grits,
- juice and milk boxes,
- fruit cups canned soups and vegetables
- individually wrapped crackers.
You are welcome to shop online and have items sent directly to the church or you can drop off donations to the Gathering Area. Thank you for your care of the children who are impacted by your donations and the LSS Weekend Backpack Program.