2024 Holidays

We have a busy holiday season ahead of us. Please keep these dates handy and make plans to join us in worship and serving. There are many opportunities to volunteer both with worship services, special events and helping those in need. We encourage you to be prayerful throughout the Advent and Christmas seasons, both in offering …

Little Lambs Early Learning Center Fundraiser

Get a new BJ’s Club Membership for Just $20 – for yourself or as a gift. There are fliers available in the Gathering Area or call 800-313-8887 and reference group promo code 813058. Little Lambs will receive 50% of all new memberships through this program!! Even renewing members can call and connect their renewal to the fundraiser. …

Final Pumpkin Patch Tally

After taking in more than $16K in sales and sending the fundraising company their share (we keep 33%), and after expenses, we were able to put a little more than $5,000 into a variety of ministries – The Peru mission, a food bank in Jacksonville, the Pastors’ discretionary fund, the Youth Life ministry, and the Little Lambs …

Pumpkin Patch – Thank You!

The Pumpkin Patch was just fantastic this year – more than $16k in sales! Thanks to all who volunteered in any way. Our best guess is 750+ volunteer hours not counting staff and Pastors! Your hard work will result in thousands of dollars going to support a variety of ministries. Truly a village!

Bake and Craft Sale

On Saturday, October 26th, there will be a tent set up for the Little Lambs Early Learning Center to share their information with the community. They will host a Bake Sale & Craft Sale during the event from 11am to 1pm. If you would like to contribute a baked item or, if you are a …

Party In The Patch – Volunteers Needed

Our children’s party will be Saturday, October 26th from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. We could use help with decorations on the 24th and 25th, help setting up the morning of the 26th, help during the event and help with clean-up. If you would like to be a part of the fun, please indicate your …

Open Position For Preschool Teacher

Our Little Lambs Early Learning Center has an opening for a Preschool Lead Teacher. Hours are 8-1 pm M-F or 8-3 pm M-F. Candidates are required to have 45 hours through DCF, or working towards them. A High School Diploma is required, an AA of BA in Early Education is preferred. Required licenses and certifications: …

The Pumpkins Are Coming – October 5th at 9:00 am

We have been working on the Pumpkin Patch plan since March, placing our order with Pumpkins USA and slightly increasing our count this year! We are asked to list 4 delivery dates and we were slotted in our first pick! Lots of things will have to happen before delivery day and we are looking for …

Little Lambs Bake Sale Weekend

Little Lambs Bake Sale Weekend – Sat Aug 24 & Sun, Aug 25 – We will have a wonderful assortment of cookies, cakes, tarts and breads, many sugar-free or gluten-free for those of you who prefer these items! Be sure to stop by the Gathering Area that weekend and select a few goodies to support our Early Learning Center. …

Summer 5 5 5 Program Continues

During the five weeks leading up to our Youth Life Confirmation Faith Camp, we strive as a community to collect 500 pounds of food and $500 in financial donations to support the Lutheran Social Service food bank and weekend backpack program. Each Friday, hundreds of children across northeast Florida leave school not knowing if they …

VBS Needs

Vacation Bible School (VBS) begins this coming Monday, June 17th! A HUGE thank you to everyone who donated supplies. We truly appreciate you! We still have a few items that we need to make this week a SCUBA-tastic success! Please read the list below and bring the items to church between now and this Sunday morning-June …

Little Lambs Early Learning Center

Our Little Lambs – Early Learning Center serves the community by offering a faith-based, educational curriculum for children 2-5 years-old. Unlike many preschools, we focus on reading literacy, math and language skills, and the development of social and problem-solving skills. Also uncommon, we offer full-day and year-round programs for households where all adults work during the day. We …

Spring Tea – An Early Learning Center Fundraiser 

Please make plans to join us for a lovely morning of tea and delicious finger foods and sweets. Our festive spring event will be Saturday, April 27th at 11:00am and the suggested donation for tickets is $25. In addition to the scrumptious fare and fun fellowship, we will have songs from the children and raffles for three exciting …

Children’s Ministry Outing To Sunshine Park

Monday, March 18, at 10:30 am –  Bring the kids out to enjoy some fresh air and burn off some energy during Spring Break! We’ll enjoy playtime and a picnic. Meet at Sunshine Park – located at 2514 S Beach Pkwy, Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250. There are cool playgrounds, a skate park, recreational fields, pickle …

Summer Camps with Little Lambs Early Learning Center

Our Little Lambs – Early Learning Center serves the community by offering a faith-based, educational curriculum for children 2-5 years-old. Unlike many preschools, we focus on reading literacy, math and language skills, and the development of social and problem-solving skills. Also uncommon, we offer full-day and year- round programs for households where all adults work during the day. …

Children’s Easter Festivities

Children’s Easter Festivities will be held on Easter Sunday, March 31 from 9:45-10:15 AM. An Easter Egg Hunt will be held for children, nursery-age through sixth grade. All families and their extended families are welcome to participate. Families will gather in the courtyard near the playground by 9:45. A photo station will also be available …

Vacation Bible School 2024

Take kids deep into an amazing undersea adventure where they’ll experience the ever-flowing, never-ending love of God. At Scuba VBS, kids will be immersed in the Word and discover what living water is really all about! Join us June 17 – 21st from 9:00 am – 12:30 pm! Registration opens March 30th. For additional details, …

Five Love Languages for Children Workshop for Parents and Grandparents 

Join us Saturday, January 20th from 9am-Noon. Cost is $15 per person which includes breakfast and your book. Por Peacock will lead participants through Dr. Gary Chapman’s book, incorporating Scripture with an eye toward building stronger relationships with all the children in our lives. Let love lead our relationships with children, not guilt and shame and help …

Little Lambs Early Learning Center Open House

Little Lambs will host the community on Sat., Jan 13 from 10am to Noon. If you or someone you know is looking for a quality, faith-based preschool or for an accredited VPK program, please make plans to attend. Classrooms will be open, and you can meet the teachers and learn all about the robust curriculum.

Weekend Worship Services

Weekend Worship Services Saturday at 5:30pm (Traditional Liturgy) Sunday at 8:30am (Traditional Liturgy) Sunday at 10:30am (Contemporary) – Live-streamed Other Information: Access to Online Worship Information Christmas Worship Services Christmas Eve Services – Sunday, Dec 24 at 5:00pm, 7:00pm, 9:00pm & 11:00pm 5:00pm – Traditional Service with Children’s Homily ** Live Streamed 7:00pm – Traditional Service 9:00pm – Cantata …

Children’s Christmas Program

Our Little Lambs ELC children and our Sunday School children will celebrate the season in Word and song on Wednesday, December 13th at 6:30 pm. Plan to attend and be blessed by the proclamation of the young ones.

Family Christmas Caroling

Join us Sunday, December 10th at Noon – All are welcome as we visit shut-ins and to minister to members and others in our communty. We gather in the Shepherd Center at 11:40 for a quick meal. Please indicate your participation on the Yellow Insert so we can plan the groups & routes.

Lunch and Legos

This Coming Sunday, Dec 3, 12:30 – 4:30pm, for our children’s youth ministry, ages PreK4-Sixth Grade. Fellowship, food, and fun when we come together to eat pizza and enjoy building with Legos. Kids are welcome to bring their own Legos if they like! This is a great opportunity for parents to take four hours for …

Worship Update

Worship Services: Saturday at 5:30pm (Traditional Liturgy) Sunday at 8:30am (Traditional Liturgy) Sunday at 10:30am (Contemporary) Nursery care (up to 3yrs old) is provided in the Shepherd Center for the 8:30 & 10:30am services. **Parking Update** For the next few weeks only, due to the Pumpkin Patch, parking is limited towards the entry of the church property.  We have …

Pumpkin Patch Update

FOUR Weeks ‘til PUMPKINS! Save the date: Saturday, October 7th at 9 am – We hope you will make plans to join us as the truck makes its annual trek from New Mexico to Jacksonville with our special delivery. It takes MANY hands to make light work unloading half of a semi-trailer!! Teens earn community service hours!! We will be …

Rally Day – August 20th

Sunday, August 20th, is RALLY DAY for all from 4 Years through 12th Grade! Backpack Blessing & Prayers for All School Teachers & Staff – All children and Youth are invited to bring their school backpacks with them next week for a special time during worship to ask God’s blessings of safety and focus in the coming school year. …

Little Lambs Early Learning Center

Join us as we celebrate the grand launching of our new Little Lambs Early Learning Center ministry. This will specialize in serving children 2 1⁄2 years old through VPK. We offer full-year programming accompanied by half and full-day schedules. Little Lambs Early Learning Center is grounded with academic excellence and rooted in the faith. An Open House is …

Preschool Summer Camp

Join this 5 week program with indoor and outdoor activities: early literacy, language, math, science, and arts. We will also be focusing on faith, social skills, technology, problem-solving, and outdoor fun.

Spring Tea

Spring Tea – An Early Learning Center Fundraiser – Please make plans to join us for a lovely morning of tea and delicious finger foods and sweets. It’s this Monday, April 24 at 11:30 am and the suggested donation for tickets is $20. In addition to the scrumptious fare and fun fellowship, we will have songs from the children and …

Holy Week at Shepherd of the Woods

Saturday, April 1st and Sunday, April 2nd: Palm Waving on the Sidewalk this Weekend – We invite you to join in the fun, waving palms before each of the services on Palm Sunday weekend. We will line the sidewalk in the front of the church property to wave palms and greet passers-by! This is something for all ages and …

Souper Bowl of Caring

Join us Sunday, February 12th Now known as “Tacklet Hunger.” Youth will hold giant soup pots in the gathering area and will collect funds after worship. All proceeds benefit the Mandarin Food Bank. This event is a nationwide event and raises millions of dollars for local food banks.

ALOHA Dinner – Fundraiser

Join us for Come Dine with Us – Aloha! Hawaiian Dinner – Saturday, February 11th This evening of fun and great food is a Youth Life fundraiser, and all proceeds will be used for youth programs to include camp participation and the summer mission trip to Peru. This year’s theme is Aloha! and you will be treated …

Mission Driven – A Weekend to Serve

Quilting Workshop – All-Day, Drop-In session on Sat, Feb 4, 10 am to 5 pm. This is the final push to complete quilts that will be sent to the Lutheran World Relief warehouses the following week. There will be stations for cutting squares, designing quilt tops, sewing tops, matching tops to the backing, and finishing the sides and …

First Communion Classes

First Communion classes are open to any child who has the desire to receive Holy Communion and who has parental permission. If this applies to your child, please email to indicate your interest in classes. Pr Peacock will then schedule 3 sessions with those interested based on the participant’s availability.

Live Nativity

For two evenings we received visitors to our Live Nativity which featured sharing the Word through readings and carols, a photo station, a bunny petting booth, crafts for children, and a fire pit s’mores station. A great time was had by all and we were able to great a number of our community neighbors!

Children’s Christmas Festival

Children’s Christmas Festival – Sat, Dec 10th from 10:30 to Noon – Make plans to bring your children for fun and games, photos with Santa and a special book reading of “It Must Be Christmas” at 11:00am. Bring a friend! Please RSVP using the Yellow Insert and let us know how many children you will be …