Valentines For Veterans

Valentine’s Cards for Veterans & Military – our local First Coast Group – Thrivent is helping spread the love this Valentine’s Day with a card collection drive for veterans and our military. They have partnered with Naval Station of Mayport for their local and deployed service men and women. We will have a collection bin in the Gathering Area through …

Come Dine With Us

Join us Saturday, February, 8th – Our annual Youth Life fundraiser is a great opportunity to have a wonderful evening out. Invite some friends, another couple or make it a date night! We offer two seatings – at 5:00pm and 7:00pm and we always have a fabulous menu! The suggestion donation is $35 per person. Reservation sheets will be …

Long Term Care Workshop

Thrivent will host a Long-term Care Workshop on Tuesday, January 21 at 6:30pm which will include a buffet dinner. Please see the insert in the church bulletin for more information or contact the church office to register by Jan 16.

Women of the Woods

Women of the Woods gather Wednesday, January 15th at 6:00pm for dinner and a meeting as this group continues to develop and explore ways to support the ministries of SOTW. All women are invited. If you can’t join us at 6:00 for dinner, please come for the meeting at 6:30pm. Please use the yellow Connect Card to …

Transportation Ministry

One of the many ways we support each other within our congregational community is to provide occasional transportation to medical appointments and grocery shopping for those who are temporarily not able to drive due to illness or surgery or for those who are no longer driving. If you would like to offer the gift of …

First Fruits

Did you know….The Core Values of Shepherd of the Woods Lutheran Church First Fruits – Each month we set aside 10% of undesignated giving to support a variety of ministries in Christian love and care. This past month, our Benevolence ministry supported a global and local mission: Vision First Fruits – Each month we set aside 10% of undesignated …

Annual Congregational Meeting

The Annual Congregational Meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 22nd at 6:30pm. A fellowship meal will be held at 5:30pm. Mark your calendars and plan to attend the meeting to hear important updates and share your vote on important matters related to our life together and the development of the mission church plant in St. Johns …

The Annual Yard Sale

We will be holding our sale a little earlier this year – ON Saturday, March 15, from 7 am to 2 pm. All proceeds from the sale support our Tarma, Peru Mission Church. The storage bins will arrive the week of February 17th so now is the time to begin cleaning out closets, drawers and the garage!!! If …

Peace in Christ – Women’s Retreat

This year we will gather at the St. Stephen’s Retreat and Conference Center in Titusville, FL from Friday, Feb 28 through Sunday, March 2nd. St. Stephen’s is a lovely waterfront retreat center with beautiful study and worship spaces. There will be time for study, worship, individual time and fellowship. Our retreat speaker is the Rev. Julie Smith (co-founder …

Quilting Workshop

Save the Date – All Day – Drop-In Quilting Workshop on Sat, Jan 18 – men, women and teens are invited to come for an hour or come all day! No experience needed and no sewing skills required. There is a job for everyone and teens earn community service hours for school. Stay tuned for sign-up opportunities.

Adult Study: The Life of Martin Luther

New Adult Study Class on the life of Martin Luther – begins Sunday, Jan 5 at 9:45am in the Shepherd Center Conference Room. This nine-week course will present various events in Luther’s life and reflect on the Biblical themes underlying the Lutheran Reformation. It provides insight into Luther’s influence on shaping the development of the Lutheran Church. By …

Youth News

Happy New Year!!! Confirmation classes continue. Thank you to those who attend and to those who lead these important instructional sessions.  Youth Life Christmas Party was a great event! Thank you to our youth leaders for providing food and fun for this afternoon get together! See pictures below. I hope you all had a great …

Grief Support

This group does not meet this week and will resume at 6:30pm Tues 1/7, and will continue to meet on Mon 1/13, Tues 1/21 & Mon 2/3. We pray for the peace of the Holy Spirit for all who are grieving loved ones during this holiday season. This can be a difficult time for many. …


Just after Easter we will begin our next Alpha course – a ten-week series of weekly sessions for anyone who wants to find answers to questions like “Is there really a God?”, “What does it mean to be Christian?” or “Is there more to life than what I am living?” It is designed for those seeking a connection to God but who might …

Year End Giving

We are blessed to be a blessing and Shepherd of the Woods continues to be blessed by your faithful giving and stewardship. It has allowed us to reach & serve people with the love and care of Christ. It is the end of the year and we invite you, as you are able, to make …

Beaches Mission House

We support Mission House on months with a Fifth Tuesday by cooking and serving a home-cooked meal to the homeless community in Jacksonville Beach. If you would like to help, we will meet at 4:30 pm on December 31st to cook and serve about 6pm and are done by 7:00. Please indicate on the yellow …

The Fourth Sunday of Advent

The Advent wreath is a centuries-old Christian tradition. It symbolizes themes and beliefs central to the Christian faith. The fourth candle of Advent represents Love, the ultimate love of God that He might send His only Son for us. Called the “Angel’s Candle,” the fourth candle of Advent is lit the Sunday before Christmas, and it is the color purple, leading us …

Youth Life News

Confirmation classes continue. Thank you to those who attend and to those who lead these important instructional sessions. Monday, December 23rd from 12-4 is your Youth Life Christmas Party! Thank you, Michelle Pearson, for leading this event. Lunch will be provided and there will be a “white elephant” gift exchange so bring a small ($20 max) …

Third Sunday of Advent

The Advent wreath is a centuries-old Christian tradition. It symbolizes themes and beliefs central to the Christian faith. The third candle of Advent symbolizes Joy. As we continue to approach Christmas Day, our joy grows more and more. The third candle takes us back to the joyful anticipation of the shepherds who journeyed to see Jesus in Bethlehem, even …

2024 Advent and Christmas Schedule

Our busy holiday season continues with a few more events. Please keep these dates handy and make plans to join us in worship and serving. There are many opportunities to volunteer both with worship services, special events and helping those in need. Christmas Season Schedule We encourage you to be prayerful throughout the Advent and Christmas …

Women of the Woods Quilt Raffle

The beautiful, hand-made quilts on display in the Gathering Area are being raffled to raise funds for the Women’s Retreat Scholarship Fund which will assist those in need with registration costs for the upcoming retreat. Tickets are available for $5 each or 3 for $10 or 7 for $20. You may choose the quilts you bid …

Christmas Blessings in Peru

 As we prepare to celebrate Christmas in the states, we have the opportunity to extend our care, and “show Christ” to those in need. Our Christmas outreach program this year will include providing small gifts, hot chocolate & panettone to approximately 100 children ($10 each) in the community plus the 40 children and 8 seniors …

Youth Life News

Confirmation classes continue. Thank you to those who attend and to those who lead these important instructional sessions.  Mark you calendars for Family Christmas Caroling (yes, it’s that time already!) which is on Sunday, December 15 from 12-3pm, following a light lunch. This annual event brings so much joy to the shut-ins you visit and to all who participate! A …

Grief Support

A six-week session will begin Monday 12/9 at 6:30pm and will be held Mon 12/16, Tues 1/7, Mon 1/13, Tues 1/21 & Mon 2/3. If you have an interest in participating, please indicate this on the yellow Connect Card and you will be contacted by Pastor DiBias. If you would like more information about grief support …


Bloodmobile on Sun, Dec 8 – OneBlood will have a mobile donation bus onsite from 9:30am to Noon. Those who donate will receive a wellness check including blood pressure and cholesterol screening and iron count check; a travel mug; and a $20 online gift card. If you are able, please pre-register at and use sponsor …

Parents Night Out

“Women of the Woods” will be hosting a Parents Night Out on Fri, Dec 6th Parents, come out and take advantage of time to shop or go out for a quiet meal. Drop off as early as 5:00pm – we will feed and entertain them while you are out and ask that you pick them up by 8:00pm. A …

Angel Tree Gift Tags

We are pleased to be able to support Port in the Storm this holiday season. This ministry works with young men and women who have aged out of the foster system or who are homeless due to a crisis in their family. They offer safe housing, and job skill training . They have approximately 30 residents who …

Advent Fellowship Dinner & Service of Light

Join us Wednesday, Dec 4 – We begin the Advent season with a soup and salad fellowship meal at 5:30pm and special Service of Light at 6:30pm. This beautiful candlelit service is a time of worship and reflection as we eneter the holy time leading up to the birth of Christ. Invite a friend or neighbor …

The Advent Season

The Advent wreath is a centuries-old Christian tradition. It symbolizes themes and beliefs central to the Christian faith. The symbolizes Hope – the first Sunday of Advent not only leads us to anticipate the birth of Christ but celebrate the beginning of a new liturgical season as well. The first candle is purple, the primary color of Advent and a …

2024 Holidays

We have a busy holiday season ahead of us. Please keep these dates handy and make plans to join us in worship and serving. There are many opportunities to volunteer both with worship services, special events and helping those in need. We encourage you to be prayerful throughout the Advent and Christmas seasons, both in offering …

Kitchen Reno Update

We keep working on the kitchen renovations and look forward to completing the work in the next few weeks. Cabinets should be installed this week and the final electrical work should be done. We are very close to meeting our fundraising goal of $20,000 – with nearly $18,000 donated. Many thanks to all who have helped make …

Calling Thrivent Financial Members

As part of a Thrivent Member Network, you’re among a group of local Christians who come together to learn, support one another and make a real impact in our communities. We invite you to join us for The 5 Love Languages with Dr. Gary Chapman, hosted by the Southeast Thrivent Member Network. Discover the keys to unlocking …

First Fruits Update

Each month we set aside 10% of undesignated giving to support a variety of ministries in Christian love and care. Your stewardship and generosity reach people near and far! This past month, our Benevolence ministry supported a global and local mission:

Little Lambs Early Learning Center Fundraiser

Get a new BJ’s Club Membership for Just $20 – for yourself or as a gift. There are fliers available in the Gathering Area or call 800-313-8887 and reference group promo code 813058. Little Lambs will receive 50% of all new memberships through this program!! Even renewing members can call and connect their renewal to the fundraiser. …

Peru Mission Update

Each month, Pastor Araujo sends us ministry reports highlighting what God has been doing and how the Spirit is moving. This past month Pastor Araujo was able to visit and extend God’s love and care to several sick people. He also continues his ministry of presence and encouragement with those imprisoned and awaiting trial in Tarma. He …

Final Pumpkin Patch Tally

After taking in more than $16K in sales and sending the fundraising company their share (we keep 33%), and after expenses, we were able to put a little more than $5,000 into a variety of ministries – The Peru mission, a food bank in Jacksonville, the Pastors’ discretionary fund, the Youth Life ministry, and the Little Lambs …

Knowing Christ – Week of November 17th

• Bible Study on Matthew – Wednesday at 6:30pm• Bible Study on 1 Samuel – Thursday at 1:00pm• Men’s Bible Study & Breakfast – Second & Fourth Saturdays, at 8:00am – next on 11/23• Bible Study – “The Divine Drama” – Saturdays at 4:00pm• Women’s Bible Study – Second & Fourth Mondays at 10:00am – next on 11/25• Adult Studies – Sundays at 9:30am Gospel of John and NEW Study on Luther’s Small Catechism

Youth Life News

Confirmation classes continue. Thank you to those who attend and to those who lead these important instructional sessions.  Mark you calendars for Family Christmas Caroling (yes, it’s that time already!) which is on Sunday, December 15 from 12-3pm, following a light lunch. This annual event brings so much joy to the shut-ins you visit and to all who participate! A …

WNALC Meeting

All ladies – members and visitors – are invited to our second meeting of the Women of NALC (North American Lutheran Church). This newly formed group draws women of all age groups together to discuss how they can contribute to the various ministries of Shepherd of theWoods and the NALC at large. The next meeting will be on Wed, Nov 13 …

Adult Study on the Small Catechism

New Adult Study on the Small Catechism will begin Sunday, Nov 17 at 9:30am – This group will meet in the annex and explore the meaning and beauty of each section of Luther’s Small Catechism which he wrote in 1529. It covers six topics: the Ten Commandments, the Apostles’ Creed, the Lord’s Prayer, the Sacrament of Holy Baptism, …

Shepherd’s Shelves Update

During the holiday food drive, we continue to accept donations for our small (but mighty) Shepherd’s Shelves food pantry ministry. We are blessed to be able to serve our community through this process. It wouldn’t be possible without your ongoing support. We have added a small freezer to hold things like meal kits, meats, and bread. To …

Footsteps of Paul Pilgrimage

Last call to experience this amazing pilgrimage, grow in faith and knowledge of Scripture, and travel with some amazing people who may be strangers now… but friends by the end!

FYI – We have a roommate opportunity for a solo female traveler. Contact Pastor Phillips for more information.

Thanksgiving Worship and Luncheon

We will hold Thanksgiving worship on Wed, Nov 27 at 12:00 and 6:30pm as we gather to give thanks and praise for our blessings. Please join us for one of these services and invite a friend or neighbor! Our annual Community Luncheon will be at 1:00pm following the Noon service. We are seeking help with …

Pumpkin Patch – Thank You!

The Pumpkin Patch was just fantastic this year – more than $16k in sales! Thanks to all who volunteered in any way. Our best guess is 750+ volunteer hours not counting staff and Pastors! Your hard work will result in thousands of dollars going to support a variety of ministries. Truly a village!

Youth Life News

Awesome job everyone with Party in the Patch! Thank you to all the volunteers- you all did a fantastic job! Your hours at the patch do count for community service. If you need any service forms signed, just let me, Jackie or a Pastor know.  Congratulations Ellie and Christopher on their Confirmation. Blessings on your faith journey! Pictures …

Stewardship Monday’s

Take My Life That I May Be, Consecrated Lord To Thee The word in the Bible translated as steward is οἰκονόμος pronounced, oykonomos. It is the root of the word economics which is the science of managing resources. Naturally, then, a steward is the manager of what belongs to someone else. In these “Stewardship Monday” reflections, some members of our church …

Youth Life News

Party in the Patch is this Saturday, October 26 from 11am-1pm. This is a great family event with games, pumpkins, food trucks and Halloween fun! We need youth to hand out candy and run these games. Please arrive by 10am to help with setup. We will be starting setup at 9am if you want to arrive early. You will …

Confirmation – October 27th

On Sunday, Oct 27 we celebrate at the 10:30 service as some of our Youth are confirmed. Be sure to join us after the service for a time of Fellowship so that you can pass along your congratulations for reaching this important milestone.

Pumpkin Patch Volunteers

If you have never volunteered before, we will make sure you are equipped (it’s easy!) and that you have all the support you need. If you have any questions about what volunteers do, please contact contact the church office, and we can put you in touch with Jackie Hudson. Invite a friend or family member to volunteer with …

WNALC – Brainstorming and Bites

Now that our congregation has representation at the national level of Women of the NALC, we would like to organize our efforts locally with a Women’s Group within our congregation. Paprticipants will come together for service projects, fellowship and study. This group does not replace any current ministries but seeks to structure the gifts of time offered by …

Bake and Craft Sale

On Saturday, October 26th, there will be a tent set up for the Little Lambs Early Learning Center to share their information with the community. They will host a Bake Sale & Craft Sale during the event from 11am to 1pm. If you would like to contribute a baked item or, if you are a …

Shepherd Shelves

Current needs are condiments, shelf-stable milk, soups, toilet paper, bags of rice, and canned beans. We now have a small freezer and can take small quantities of frozen meats and vegetables. We see a number of folks each week needing supplemental support, your donations are a real blessing to these individuals and families.

Pumpkin Patch – Volunteers Needed

Opening day was quite rainy but we still had customers on both shifts! Thanks to our volunteers who worked through the showers. We are still setting up a few things and putting finishing touches on others. We have many open slots during our first week. Listed below are the current needs. If you have never volunteered before, we …