Looking ahead to the Thanksgiving holiday, please prayerfully consider how you might offer the gifts of time and talents. Please mark your calendar for worship and the meal. All are welcome and we encourage you to use these services to invite others to Shepherd of the Woods.
Would you like to donate and/or roast a turkey – we need four more turkeys to be donated and we need five willing to roast. If you can do one or both, please sign up on the Yellow Insert.
Would you like to help cook an item? We prepare a set menu each year and invite you to assist. helping with a vegetable or dessert, please indicate your interest on the Yellow Insert and our coordinator will be in touch with specific information.
Would you like to deliver a meal to a shut-in? – We have a number of members and others in our community who are no longer able to get out for worship and a meal or to be with their families this year. If you can deliver one or more meals on Wed, Nov 22 following Noon worship, please indicate this on the Yellow Insert.