Did you know….The Core Values of Shepherd of the Woods Lutheran Church

  • The witness of the church is to all people.
  • We gather around word and sacrament, locally and globally, to receive the gifts of God and offer praiseand thanksgiving.
  • Faith comes from hearing the Word. The Word is to be known and carried out by ambassadors for Christ.
  • All we have is a gift from God to be used for the cause of Christ.
  • As the body of Christ, we care for all people.
  • We build community and relationships through fellowship.

First Fruits – Each month we set aside 10% of undesignated giving to support a variety of ministries in Christian love and care. This past month, our Benevolence ministry supported a global and local mission:

  • North American Lutheran Seminary – supporting the seminary in preparing future pastors and leaders of the church.
  • Institute of Lutheran Theology – supporting the seminary in preparing future pastors and leaders of the church.
  • Hartfelt Ministries – Supported the HartFelt Fund that assists seniors with emergency home repair or medical needs.
  • Heifer International – Annual support for the ministry they do around the world.

Vision First Fruits – Each month we set aside 10% of undesignated Vision for Mission offerings. This past month this fund supported:

  • Lutheran Social Services of Northeast Florida and their “Steps to Success” program.
  • Beaches Mission House and the “Crisis Care” fund

Your stewardship and generosity reach people near and far!