Our busy holiday season continues with a few more events. Please keep these dates handy and make plans to join us in worship and serving. There are many opportunities to volunteer both with worship services, special events and helping those in need.
Christmas Season Schedule
- Sunday, Dec 15 – Noon – Christmas Caroling to Shut-Ins
- Wednesday, Dec 18 – 5:30pm – Fellowship Dinner
- Wednesday, Dec 18 – 6:30pm – Holiday Harmonies
- Monday, Dec 23rd – Youth Life Christmas Party
- Tuesday, Dec 24 – Christmas Eve Worship – 5:00, 7:00, 9:00 & 11:00pm
- Wednesday, Dec 25 – Christmas Day Worship 10:30am
- Wednesday, Dec 25 – Christmas Day Potluck Luncheon
We encourage you to be prayerful throughout the Advent and Christmas seasons, especially remembering those who are lonely, grieving, and struggling with addiction or other life challenges. Prayerfully seek discernment about inviting others to join you for fellowship meals and for worship services.
Christmas Eve Cookie Fellowship – we invite you to help celebrate the season with a time of fellowship following each Christmas Eve service and Christmas Day service.
Christmas Day Pot Luck – any who would like to gather at Noon are welcome to attend a casual potluck luncheon. The meats and drinks will be provided and all other dishes will be welcome additions to the table. If you think you will join us, please sign up on the Connect Card and indicate what side item, appetizer and/or dessert you will bring. All are welcome. Invite a friend who might not have family in town or others to celebrate with on this special day!
Christmas Blessings in Peru – As we prepare to celebrate Christmas in the states, we have the opportunity to extend our care, and “show Christ” to those in need. Our Christmas outreach program this year will include providing small gifts, hot chocolate & panettone to approximately 100 children ($10 each), in the community plus the 40 children and 8 seniors housed at the Beneficencia, (an orphanage just outside of Tarma). If you would like to send Christmas blessings 3,000 miles away, simply mark “Peru Christmas” your check/envelope.
Additionally, Pastor Araujo has sent us a personal request. His daughter needs shoulder surgery and requested whatever assistance we can offer to cover the $6,700 cost. If you would like to donate towards this special need, please indicated “Shoulder Surgery” on your check or envelope. Thank you for your continued support of our brothers and sisters in Christ.