
Just after Easter we will begin our next Alpha course – a ten-week series of weekly sessions for anyone who wants to find answers to questions like “Is there really a God?”, “What does it mean to be Christian?” or “Is there more to life than what I am living?” It is designed for those seeking a connection to God but who might …

Alpha Leadership Team

On July 14, we will be holding a 90-minute session for those who would like to volunteer with the leadership team for the upcoming Alpha Session. We will gather at 11:45am in the Annex South classroom and share a light lunch. Please reply to this email if you plan on attending and have not yet signed up.

Explore Alpha

Dear Disciple, You may have been heard about ALPHA recently and wondered what it’s all about!  ALPHA is a series of structured sessions which explore the basics of faith in an open, informal environment with no judgement and no pressure. This is a great opportunity for those who are “seeking” or wrestling in the faith and what …

Alpha Prayer Team

Alpha Prayer Team – Our first run of Alpha in the spring was successful and we will begin the series again in January. Alpha is a 10 to 12-week series that primarily targets people who are seeking a connection to God and want to explore information on who Jesus is and what becoming a Christian can mean …

Alpha Training

Our first Alpha run lasted 11 weeks and just concluded with almost 30 people participating! th We have tentatively set our next sessions to begin Tues, Jan 9 , 2024. There will be a training webinar on Thursday, August 17th at 8:30pm EST for anyone who is interested in volunteering to help with future Alpha sessions. If …


Thanks to all who came out last weekend to hear more about how the ALPHA program helps people to find answers to life’s big questions. It is designed to help people find an understanding of who Jesus was, why He was sent and who He can be in each of our lives today. If you would like more …