Youth Life News

Confirmation classes continue. Thank you to those who attend and to those who lead these important instructional sessions. 

Mark you calendars for Family Christmas Caroling (yes, it’s that time already!) which is on Sunday, December 15 from 12-3pm, following a light lunch. This annual event brings so much joy to the shut-ins you visit and to all who participate! A great family event and an opportunity to earn some community service hours for school. 

Winterjam 2025 is scheduled for January 12 at the Vystar Arena. Tickets are $15 cash at the door. We do not have a plan to go as a group, but for those who are interested, the lineup is really great! Skillet, Colton Dixon, KB, Anne Wilson, Newsong, Micah Tyler are scheduled to perform. 

LAST CALL FOR ROCK THE UNIVERSE! Currently we have 9 youth and 4 adults attending. If you would like to attend, just respond to this email. Rock the Universe 2025 annual Christian Music Festival is being held January 24-25 at Universal Studios, Orlando. We will leave Friday afternoon, January 24 and return Sunday, January 26. Cost is now estimated at $175 (we have lowered the cost by $50 using youth general funds to supplement the cost) plus food for the weekend which includes park tickets, hotel and transportation. We will stay at Endless Summer Dockside Suites on Universal property. You will be visiting both Islands of Adventure and Universal Studios theme parks(one per day) along with attending the concerts/parks in the evenings. You will worship as a group on Sunday morning at the hotel. Since this is a “pre-paid” ticket event, once we purchase the event tickets, you are responsible for payment along with the hotel room cost.