Take My Life That I May Be, Consecrated Lord To Thee
The word in the Bible translated as steward is οἰκονόμος pronounced, oykonomos. It is the root of the word economics which is the science of managing resources. Naturally, then, a steward is the manager of what belongs to someone else. In these “Stewardship Monday” reflections, some members of our church community offer their reflections on the sentiment communicated in the great old hymn “Take my life that I may be, consecrated Lord to thee” found in the green hymnal (LBW) hymn number 406. The hymn, authored by Frances R. Havergal in 1874, offers for us the opportunity to not only sing his praises, but also to consider how we might give our whole selves; time, talents and treasure, in service to our Heavenly Father from what he has graciously given to us already. We hope you are blessed by these reflections and grow in your faith and discipleship as a result of them.
Week One: “Consecrating our lives to God”
by Adam Hewins
Then Joshua said to the people, “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you.” -Joshua 3:5
What is the meaning of Verse 1: “Take My Life that I May Be” Consecrated, Lord to Thee. Take my moments and my days; Let them flow in endless praise? It means concentrating on giving our lives to God using every moment and every day
What does it mean to be consecrated? It is the separation of oneself from things that are unclean, especially anything that would contaminate one’s relationship with a perfect God. In Joshua 3:5 we read, Then Joshua said to the people, “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you.” This is after forty years in the wilderness and after God opened the Red Sea to deliver the children of God from their Egyptian bondage, right before God would do the same thing again, this time God would open the River Jordan and take them to the Promised Land.
Being consecrated is paramount in our relationship to God and to those in the world. Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 6:17; “Therefore, go out from their midst, and be separate from them, says the Lord, and touch no unclean thing: then I will welcome you.” Paul is calling Christians to be separate from the world around them, more specifically, he is commanding the Corinthians to separate themselves from any connection with the worship of idols.
As Christians, how do we apply the principles of consecration and stewardship? Stewardship is the conscious decision to make and keep one’s self separated, dedicated, and holy unto the Lord through the use of our God given gifts of time, talents, and possessions. “All we have and all we are is a gift from God to be used for cause of Christ.” It is about using the gifts he has given each of us for the Gospel as it is set forth in the Great Commission from Matthew chapter 28.
As someone who was born with Spina Bifida, which is the most commonly occurring permanently disabling birth defect in the world, I underwent at least 18 surgeries and countless hospitalizations all around this country primarily in top notch US Air Force and Army medical facilities, along with Shriners Hospitals for Children. As a matter of fact, this all began within a few hours of being born with my first flight from Rapid City Regional Airport in South Dakota to Denver Stapleton and transferred to a Fitzsimmons Army Medical Center for what would be the first of 2 surgeries within a matter of a few weeks.
This continued throughout childhood by car or by airplane every 6 months by either going back to Denver, to Lackland AFB in San Antonio, TX, for medical care at Wilford Hall, to McChord AFB in Tacoma, WA for care at Madigan Army Medical Center, or to Shriners Hospitals for Children in St. Paul, MN and in Spokane, WA while as a family being stationed at Fairchild AFB. When it was all said and done, I had undergone at least 18 surgeries and was only 18 years old! With choosing a career in the aviation industry, is it any wonder how I “caught the aviation bug?” All throughout my life, I have given thanks to God for my abilities and challenged myself to overcome what was easily thought of as “impossible.” It is these experiences that strengthened me and made me who I am today.
As a result of these medical experiences, I have always wanted to help children; all children, but especially those who are facing their own medical challenges. I volunteer most of my off time by helping children and their families that stay at the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Jacksonville while undergoing their medical treatments at one of Jacksonville’s many world class children’s hospitals or rehabilitation facilities. I began to wonder after my very first volunteer shifts a little over a year ago if I had what it took to observe and be around some of the most medically fragile young lives I had potentially ever been around.
Through perseverance and compassion, I quickly learned that I was right where I was called to be, and look forward every opportunity I have to ensure the house is a warm and inviting place for all who walk through the door, assist in any needs the patient or family member may have, cultivate lasting friendships, assist in helping a child’s artistic dreams come true in KidZone, and make every attempt to instill in each individual an “I can” attitude filled with patience, perseverance, and the peace in knowing that God has a plan, and trust in Him!
Another example of applying the use of God’s gifts to share with others is event volunteering and serving as a board member of Spina Bifida of Jacksonville. This non-profit is led by a very knowledgeable and caring individual, who has a child with Spina Bifida. Spina Bifida of Jacksonville serves children and adults born with Spina Bifida of all ages including their families who reside within North Florida. As the only individual on the board who was born with Spina Bifida, it has been a very rewarding experience to be a voice of advocation and encouragement.
Here at Shepherd of the Woods, I enjoy serving as an Acolyte, a Reader, and have served as Assisting Minister a few times, and chaperoning as able for Youth Group outings. This time of year, I enjoy volunteering in the pumpkin patch, especially when school groups come engage in story time, walk the maze, and pick out a pumpkin to take back with them. This summer, I served as a helper for the 3-5 age group for Vacation Bible School, as we “dove into friendship with God.” Most recently, I began giving of my time to volunteer with children ages 2-5 at the Little Lambs Early Learning Center.
It is a beautiful sight to see young children walk into their classrooms with a big smile on their face; Some of which are just learning to speak, some of which are learning English, as it is their second language; and all of which who just get plain excited to count from one to thirty-one in identifying month and day of the week, or have fun identifying shapes and colors, reciting their ABC’s, or simply just looking forward to snack time, or wanting to sit down and have a book read to them. These wonderful children and staff are a pure joy to be around!
I wouldn’t be who I am, or where I am today without the love and support of my family. I grew up in the Christian church attending Sunday services and other various church functions, programs, and classes for the youth. Being fed the “Bread of Life” in church and being around other kids who were being brought up the same way as I helped me to make lasting friendships from people I learned to trust and lean on. Most importantly, I learned to trust in God. There were low points where it was easy to ask God, “why me,” but I knew that I had to “get over myself,” because I knew then what I still know today; God has a plan, and I am only one of all people on this beautiful earth who has challenging struggles at some point in life.
It is up to us to go to the Lord in prayer and ask for guidance. I knew then and I still know it now. God’s does not make mistakes. He is very intentional. We are guided by the Holy Spirit. We are to go where the spirit leads us, making the best of our lives, and sharing our gifts with others so that they me overcome with joy in their own lives. In James 1:3-5 we read, For you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let that steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.
Our neighbors include every single one of God’s created children; small and big. Here at Shepherd of The Woods Lutheran Church and Little Lambs ELC, I believe we do a great job at this; however, its success is dependent upon continuous prayer, contemplation, multiple revisits to our mission statement to ensure we are living up to who we say we are, and action! There is a multitude of wonderful ministries right here that each of us is invited to lend a helping hand in and be a part of. 1 John 4:19 states that “we love because he first loved us.” It is a pleasure to give back to the family God has given to us, and it is up to us cultivate and strengthen those relationships and continue God’s work. We can accomplish this every day by living up to our mission, which is to “Know Christ, Share Christ, and Show Christ.”
I encourage each one of you to explore what your gifts are, and put them to good use so we continue to share the good news with all of the world; whether it be here at Shepherd of the Woods during our weekly services, providing fellowship snacks, meal prep for various events throughout the year, or engaging in other ministries such as Pumpkins with a Purpose, Meals on Wheels, Christmas Caroling at local senior living communities, providing donation items for ministries in Ghana Africa, or supporting, and even embarking on one of the most humbling and life changing missions in life by joining in on the mission trip Tarma and Huancal, Peru to support our Peruvian brothers and sisters in Christ.
Whatever the mission or ministry at Shepherd of the Woods you choose to be a part of; your contribution of yourself, your time, and your possessions ensures that as a Shepherd of the Woods family, we can continue these ministries and many others throughout this year, and many years to come.
God’s Blessings,
Adam Hewins